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Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)

political independence and to subordinate it to the USA. Later he changed his mind, but then it looked logical, though logic without facts is only a version and life can be very complex as a labyrinth.
So he did not suspect Sterkin of his true motives and took him for an astrological double.
    Mosheah’s new religion was planned as a cult of the new seventh archangel, who changed the fallen Satan. Monya believed he got this appointment from God because there was no other way to win the game with demons and Satanists. He served the boss who gave him more than his rival and this “proposal from God” prevented his becoming a convinced Satanist himself. In reality this idea was suggested him by Tumanov, who could imitate in astral anyone he needed. Tumanov  projected the thought to real Mosheah and automatically got to Monya, because no other Mosheah existed anywhere. Jews accepted the idea with enthusiasm and for Masons he continued to play Satanist, the son of Satan.
    Monya as Mosheah needed an intermediary for Russians and the East and he thought Tumanov might play the role and later just be killed. Tumanov felt his plan and decided to play a fool to study Mosheah’s intentions and agents of influence. He developed the idea of the new archangel among his disciples and Monya was for the time being satisfied.
    When Mila married Monya, she didn’t know he was a Jew, for he called himself Misha and never showed his passport. Gradually she learned him better and was completely disappointed in him as a man. Because he was a self-conceited despot in everything he did. As a reaction to him she became a convinced anti-Semite and divorced him. He promised to revenge Russian for her and became more aggressive than ever. Tumanov was her teacher and he had to die. Besides he became a competitor in interpreting new ideas and his view were more logical and attractive than Monya’s Talmudist and Masonic foolishnesses. So Monya began to envy him and to hate as a goy.  
    Tumanov had his own prayer, he taught to his disciples: “Lord, You are my quietude! Lord, You are our health! Lord, You are our protection!” Etc, the last word changed to correspond to the situation. It was very simple and convenient for repetition, people liked it and Monya envied it too. Local FSS didn’t support it either. They preferred atheism or the well-controlled Orthodox Church. New religious ideas scared them like everything other new in any field. They had power and didn’t want any changes. Thus their interests coincided with Monya’s and he used it to the full.
    Astral strikes of Satanists killed Tumanov’s first wife, she died in a fire accident, caused by her inattentiveness. She became an Orthodox Christian and subconsciously chose death instead of the long fight and difficult life of opposition to Oleg’s enemies. Monya was happy and interpreted it as the first step towards total destruction of all his opponents, a successful experiment, showing him the right way.
    Lilya's death forced Tumanov to check up all he knew and thought real, both his religious and political views. Finally, he came to the feeling and conclusion that Monya Sterkin was Antichrist himself. Thought it took much time and he couldn't prove it.
    What should he do next? He tried everything he could, starting from astral counter strikes but it was useless. Sterkin stepped back into the shade, waited for some time and continued his war. It lasted for several years and in the end Tumanov appealed to angels, who helped him in astral struggle against other Satanists. An angel could imitate a man, coming to the human world in flesh. It was not a real body, but its resemblance, made of astral, aether and physical fields. So he asked angels to imitate Sterkin and teleport the original to the fire lake, mentioned in Bible, or to some star plasma, where he would burn and disintegrate to atoms. Mosheah's .power was in the support of his sponsors and allies, his open death would cause revenge, but angelic imitation would prevent any reaction and the problem could be solved.
   Tumanov felt that Mosheah was replaced by a phantom but couldn't prove it or know it for sure too. But the fact was that the war ended and he was left alone by everybody, free and alive. After the death of his wife he married his disciple, a young and beautiful girl and started his life anew.  So the case was closed and life returned to the usual natural cause, it followed before Antichrist, though memory doesn't die.
    Jews were disappointed by Mosheah's failure to destroy all their rivals in religion, politics and business and forgot him completely, as if he never existed. Masons were disappointed in him and all Jews too and returned to their usual methods and beliefs, based on Atlantic culture, which existed thousands of years before Jews. FSS switched to internal politics and terrorist threats. CIA decided that Sterkin was fraud. American billionaires returned to their king Dollar and traditional politics and politicians. And life went on.

                  Shades pass very fast,
                  Lies are left in the past.
                  Sun rises to the sky,
                  Butterflies shine and fly.
                  Flowers send their aroma,
                  Bees sing mantra Om.
                  God smiles at our dreams
                  And descends in sweet streams.          
                  When you send hello to space,
                  It disappears without a trace.
                  But are you really alone
                  Like a cold heavy stone?
                  Maybe someone hears your voice,
                  Your desire and your choice?
                  But he doesn't want to break
                  The thin ice on our soul's lake.
                  And he leaves you to yourself
                  Like a book on a dusty shelf.
                  First read your own story
                  And don't look for glory.

                  The wind of freedom sweeps away
                 All dust of the past days.
                 We forget our former enemies and friends
                 And everything in this world finally ends.
                 Only one thing stays for ever -
                 The blue serene and smiling heaven.

                                      Diamond and lotus

    At school Oleg Tumanov preferred mathematics and physics to Russian and English language or literature, though after school he graduated from a Linguistic University as an interpreter and later became a Russian-English poet.
    He returned to Mathematics parallel to his spiritual researches on the basis of idealist philosophy. Multi-dimensional space explained the existence of subtle worlds and heaven, the after-death perspective of a soul. And telepathy, teleportation as phenomena, proving this idea.  
Than when he studied space it explained UFO ability to appear and disappear instantly in any point of earthly space and their ability to fly to us from other stars and galaxies.
    As an astrologer he discovered a mathematical key to the structure of the Solar System. All periods of planets were golden harmonics of 360-year cycle, known in astrology as directions. Harmonics – 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29 etc - are ratios of Fibonacci numbers - 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 etc - like the famous golden proportion, only at longer distance between the numbers – 1:1=1, 3:1=3, 8:2=4, 21:3=7, 55:5=11 etc. Each harmonic is the sum of the previous two, so their sequence can be easily calculated and continued by simple addition. When you divide 360 years by this numbers, you get very exactly the actual periods of all planets from Mercury to Pluto and further on to the recently discovered Eris and Sedna. Harmonics as the development of golden proportion are keys to harmony in nature to. All esthetical forms in art have the proportion of close Fibonacci numbers ½, 2/3, 3/5, 5/8 or 1/3, 2/5, 3/8 etc. This is the key to beauty, subconsciously used by all geniuses and consciously by Tumanov in his main collections of verses. Each verse has 34 lines and the whole collection has 29 verses in English and 47 (29+18) in Russian. Together this is one work called “Earth and Heaven”, devoted to his religious development and results.  
    Another proof of multi-dimensional space he found in astronomy. Galaxies run away with higher speeds at longer distances. That is possible only if they are accelerated by some force, but no such forces exist in physical world so they must be subtle - aether and astral. Aether is the four-dimensional world, causing any growth in nature (for example, of plants). Astral is the five-dimensional world of distant interaction, making the whole universe one system and explaining alien super-speed flight. The speed of light is surpassed in higher dimensions. Otherwise it would contradict science and would be impossible. Without the four-dimensional world and its forces galaxies would run after the Big Bang just like thrown stones with equal speed, but visible facts contradict this simplified picture of the universe and prove the truth of religions, proclaiming the existence of another world.
  The Big Bang as the start of cosmos also proves that matter was created from energy, because it could not exist in such a compressed state, practically in a zero point. And energy could. So the well-known religious belief that the world was created by light is supported by modern science too. UFO breakthrough, technological teleportation can be explain as conversion of physical matter back into energy and its emission in the form of a ray to the desired point of space, where it is converted again into physical matter.
   Science fiction must be scientific and fantasy must be spiritual, religious or it will miss the point and lead not to a space reality but to earthly illusions, reflections of limited human abilities or more exactly inabilities to solve the problems of our civilization and build a happy world. Oleg Tumanov developed both hemispheres of his brain and not only a poet but a scientist too.
He suggested hundreds of scientific ideas, such as the laser resonance nuclear fusion or the Platonic Solids structure of a nuclear reactor, but no one paid him a dollar as promised and stopped all his scientific research in a protest to the exploitation. His “allies” in the uniform stole all his ideas, including modern arms, and declared him insane to isolate from other possible allies, or sponsors, or friends. They tried to kill him as a witness of their deceit and after failure falsified the psychic examination, provoked and carried out by their agents and scared fools in his surroundings. In Russia democracy is only a slogan, reality after reforms remained the same.
       That’s why I write in English. In Russia such a story, even fantastic, under this regime can’t be published for sure and in American Internet there is a chance, at least in my site. My pseudonym for astrology and mantra-yoga in the web is Mani Padma, what means Diamond and Lotus in Sanskrit and is derived from the Tibetan mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. I could write much more about space and Tumanov’s adventures in other worlds but for the acquaintance with him that’s enough. And the continuation is his verses, written in English as an experiment to probe America. Tumanov found out that poetry there doesn’t sell and decided to fuse it with prose, a fantastic story about his life, or mine, because I am his prototype. Though I’m not sure this story will sell too. Still I experiment and hope some Americans will found it and read. And maybe appreciate it as a hint to reality that now no one dares to describe. I mean Masons and their allies. But some day the historic content of my story will be proved and my life experience won’t be lost. Omen.


I experiment with versions of my future and my luck,            
I try fiery ideas and look at the shining diamonds and ashes.
Blue logic smashes fools like a heavily-loaded truck,
A yellow explosion of energy, compressed in a small book,
Can remove brown mountains from the way of silver water,
Bringing green life to sleeping forests, fields and lawns.
And yellow Moon, the Mother Nature’s naughty daughter,
Dances all silver starry nights through till pink dawns,      
Casting blue spells and yawns after the black slaughter.

I send a red fiery arrow to the violet night space
With silver mirth to efface any extraterrestrial disgrace,
To erase even the trace of evil all around our blue Galaxy
And blue Earth for the green rebirth after bankruptcy
Of  the white religious mind, embracing, soft and kind.

Yellow-green lemon of Moon is sour by taste.
Like a pale shy virgin’s chaste and evasive waist.
You can’t reach and catch it for your silver fun
Though it she is not a black dumpy nun.
So is the bluebird of luck, flying above an air gun.

You never know for sure beforehand in this land,
Who is your black enemy and who’s your white friend.
In a labyrinth feel your glimmering way by the third eye,
The blue sixth sense, finding the quintessence of the light.
In art search for the colorful flight and might,
In life – for sages, who are sometimes right.
You think they don’t exist? I don’t insist,
But remember that every one attracts his like.

Sun is burning in the blue sky like a yellow fire eye.
White clouds fly with the invisible wind, where they will.
Lucid rains fall down to the green grass as bright days pass.
Lemony moon in autumn drops to the pond’s bottom.
Brown bears fall asleep for a white winter trance.
Trees wave their multi-color hands in a farewell dance.
Stones, eternal thrones stay immovable in their stance


A rainbow reminds the world of joy
And happiness, lost by humanity long ago,
Caught by a shroud Devil’s ploy and decoy.
Sun’s glow is transformed into a colorful overflow,
Showing  boys below the heavenly choice,
That they can make near the mountain lake.
Full of silent peace among flowers and bees
I walk through the field with brilliant shield
And a laser sword like an alien lord,
Invited for a char from a distant star.

My world is different from yours
Because  I lived for years in cosmic space
As a scout at an alien military base.
Invisible to cautious hosts as a ghost
I passed by their guards and posts
To study their interstellar ships and tips
For access to inter-galaxy  trips
And success in the astral haze.

Aliens may be good and evil too, but they are not fools.
To exceed the speed of light in astral flights
They must surpass themselves and our impass.

Big Bang is the start of space and time
Like illumination is the source of any mystic rhyme.
Origin of life is a riddle, reminding of a lonely fiddle
In the moony night. The sight of a spring flower
Gives power to verse and explains the birth of universe.

Tao is the way of nature, leading a wise man
To harmony with Earth and Heaven,
Which he can scan at any span.
Seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes
Are a ladder to the internal and eternal haven,
Where he floats with clouds-boats.
If you understand, what is Zen,
You come back is to Eden.


Life is a strife for happiness, a fight for self-realization.
Cinema and music stars like extraterrestrial civilizations  
Shine from their strange inner worlds with views and news
About our own future, because they are ahead of time
And can sublime the instincts and desires of a nation.
Prime principles of nature hide inside the true fruit of art.
I throw a dart to a cynical critic and hit him in the eye.
I don’t need any sanctions from an authoritative guy
On the throne of a drone. I don’t lie prone to a gnome.
Under the official dome of some New Rome inquisition
I choose an erect position and constructive propositions.
I’m a new anomalous zone. I suggest to postpone all bans
For my galaxy romance. And just have a dance.

Fairy-tales reflect distant past and distant worlds,
Where wizards are quite true, though we are through
With their rein. Fantasy may be realistic too. Magic whirls
Cause astral interstellar storms, which stop astral ships
At havens from their trips. And heavens form a tunnel
To transport back to the port others who can’t funnel
Home with gold, pearl and diamond drips.
Space is rich but to reach it you must find a breach.

Chamomiles smile at the wind and send
Their fragrance to the field’s end,
Where I stand reflecting on the sight of white.

My cat stretches its paws like a ninja scout,
Before he catches in his trap a witty chap
Without any doubt about his reflexes, incomes, taxes.
Ninja never laughs aloud and is never proud
Of his skills, although he really kills.
My knife is sparkling in the night like my life.
I have a real drive for adventures and revenge.
Nothing can change my mind, because I’m not blind.
If you are not my friend and still pretend, that is your end.
I’ll send you to the hell with a ringing silver bell.


Life goes on in spite of fright and mars.
Instincts and positive reflexes help to overcome all bars.
I’m an optimist by nature as Sagittarius, the archer-warrior
Against the black magic of depression with the gloria
Of persistent  luck. I struck in the darkness of a cave
The evil shadow of fear. When you are bright and brave
Ghosts disappear. Faith is the real power of success,
The less you hesitate the more treasures you access.

I’d like to live somewhere around the Pacific ocean,
In the kingdom of Sun, where rein lucid emotions
Far from the Atlantic brain and intellectual fun.
I’d prefer poetry to the science of stars, Venus to Mars,
Love to war as I did, before came the time of the game.
I’ve made my stakes and all possible mistakes,
Now I’ve won and my enemy is gone. So why not relax
Like wax and transform into the norm?

Snowdrops remind me of shy and pale virgins,
Waiting for a real love after fairy-tales dreams.
Sun urges their teams to rise and blossom,
To breathe with the free and full bosom the smell of spring.
The spell of the wizard’s ring, the vibration of the string.

The ratio of a circle to its radius is forty four to seven,
Four multiplied by eleven. Phases of any cycle of life.
Its center radiates with the holy light of Heaven
And the circle itself means Earth, the created universe.
Radius starts as a ray of light from zero, emptiness, null,
Seven holy visible planets correspond to its seven parts.
Maths aren’t dull like a scull if you yourself alive.
Do you know why the snow is white? It reflects all light.
Eleven years of sun’s activity is a key too, four is a cross.
Like four weeks in a month. The meaning of numbers
Can be seen not in slumbers but in real space and time.
Where they rein and restrain chaos, slime and crime
From human fate and inner state. Or from my rhymes .


I am a diamond, produced by the high pressure
Of enemies in the hard circumstances of my life.
I am the treasure of the future, for so far I’m not found
And I’m bound to solitude and streaming light.
Adamant logic saves my time and forces from waste
And my intuition leads me from some losses to clear taste.
Both hemispheres of the brain are true, I’m through
With rationalism and big bosses. From  politics I withdrew.
Blue mountains hide me from the noisy fools in a hut,
Where I am shut. The wind cools my stream of thoughts.
White eagles guard my dream under

Книга автора
Приключения Прохора и Лены - В лучшей из Магических Вселенных! 
 Автор: Ашер Нонин