Произведение «Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)» (страница 10 из 10)
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Тематика: Фантастика
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Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)

their delicious smell.
Sun warms me up in a cold wind,
The blue sky covers me with its wings.
I look quietly forward to the tender kiss,
I so long time wait alone and miss.
After I left the lake of my birth,
I never really had a senseless fussy mirth.
Did I ever have a chance to stop?
Did I ever catch a silver falling drop?
Yes, dark clouds often sent me cold rains,
But laws of nature in my soul rein.
I know the way of plants and birds,
And wait for the end from my birth.                        

Life is teasing me with some good luck,
But as whole it’s just a silly buck.
It passes in a wink of an eye,
You are born and in a second die.
And in the meantime it is senseless pain,
Eternity is the only and real final gain.
Ages pass too like shadows or morning dew,
Art starts every age and generation also anew.
Humanity forgets almost all its heroes and saints,
They live only in darkening symbolic icon paints.
The rare exclusion that in human memory survives,
Is richly colored with illusions and conscious lies.
Millenniums  burry practically all but divine light,
Which fills our souls and stays always bright.
Religions die and resurrect in new heavenly quests,
Who meet our needs and vital, crucial requests.  
Only Sun and Moon remain ever the same,
Life is an instant of music and game.


1. Memoirs of a space scout                                  
2. Space. Verses                                                
3. A life like a day.                                          
4. Music of fate                                                    
5. Dream                                                              
6. Antichrist                                                          
7. Diamond and Lotus                                          
8. Rainbow. Verses                                                
9. Earth and Heaven. Verses                                
10. The sea of nirvana. Verses                              
11. Rising from the ashes. Verses                        
12. Zen-Buddism.                                                  

Книга автора
Приключения Прохора и Лены - В лучшей из Магических Вселенных! 
 Автор: Ашер Нонин