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Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)

finds my verses by keywords – nirvana,
Zen ...Otherwise any words are just a net. Enlightenment
Is very simple, if you get the point, then come ethical
And other problems you have to solve for the lucky end.
Satori, illumination doesn’t mean neglect of karma. Good
And evil are quite real, even if two inches off the ground.
I’ve found all to be one and now send you to dharma.


Wisdom is a window to eternity,
Vision of life such as it is opens space too.
Cosmic fraternity  excepts reality in any spirituality -
Foreign Languages Institute opened me a way to the West,
Zen and Agni-yoga – to extraterrestrial friends and allies.
To the center of the universe where lies the end of all lies.
Our quest is best when we feel the truth from the start
As in art. Blind belief kills, music of spheres reveals.
Aliens at UFOs watch TV movies and listen to music,
That’s why they fly here without contact. What is fact.
They are musing when will we get tired of violence
And turn to wisdom and love. Their language is a violin,
Their faith is not a cruel eagle but a peaceful dove.
Otherwise they would conquer us at the times of caves.
And force to work for them as servants and slaves.
Space waits for our awakening from egotistic illusions
And plans no undeserved help or oppressive intrusion.
So my verses are sent also to extraterrestrials guests
At their silent requests as a letter of friend.

I am an Unidentified Flying Object too.
I also smile at  human radars, missiles and tattoos.

I know that I’m a queer fish,
My space dimension in poetry sounds very strange.
But if you wish to arrange a meeting with an alien
You can’t be ordinary minded and, excuse me, dull.
My rebellion against safe themes reminds you of a null,
From which burst out the world and where disappears all
After the end of time, given by God as a silly dime.
Eternity and infinity can be touched by hands,
Compressed into a box and put into a safe in a bank.
Transcendental Buddha-lands are closed for a fox,
Trying to catch the truth by teeth.
Earth lies beneath Heaven, but  is its match.
Two in reality are one, their separation is only a fun.



                           The sea of nirvana

I start anew my silver game with words,
Flying freely where they want like yellow birds.
For me it will be a risky venture,
For you - just a fun and an adventure.
I am a traveler in the blue skies,
And I never tell readers any soothing lies.
My spirit is a transparent but solid diamond
And I write a personal and secret diary.
You can peep into it now by stealth
To see for your self what it deals with.
My soul is lotus, growing from the mud,
In my verses it opens like a bud.
My body is an interference peak of waves,
A transient shadow from old magic fairy-tales.
I live on earth but walk to heaven,
My and your distant, but final peaceful haven.    
Matter is just a condensed energy of Light
And death is just a liberating heavenly insight.

My birthday is the peak of sun’s light
Giving me invisible to others inner shining might.
I fill with it my stumbling awkward words
And get on the paper a living verse.
Start on the best day of the year
To realize the best ideas and don’t care.
The better you start, the better you end,
The better is the whole process and trend.
That truth I learned from stars and planets
And now I use it in my plans.
So on my birthday I skipping earthly  choices
And start writing verses, ignoring all distracting voices.
My inspiration comes from the return of Sun
To the day, when I became a son.
The fluent ease with which I now write
Proves that astrology as is true and right.
God created hosts of heaven for a man,
The science of stars is His own brand

My life is still poor, but already secure,
Nothing to loose and its flow is smooth.
I float to the distant sea of bliss,
And I give up gradually everything I miss.
Tranquility fills my spirit and my soul inside,
My body moves and acts by itself outside.  
I try to change life to the better,
But can now only write this rimed letter.
About walking in the mist my own way,
Believing in success in spite of the delay.
We all prefer real results here and now,
But God has His own plans and know-how.
So I continue my work unrecognized and unpaid
Like another experiment and a space war raid.
Fighting for truth and beauty in remote worlds
And in my own fleeting thoughts and words.
My poetry is just a reflection of reality,
Universal origin and citizenship is my true nationality.

Be yourself and always follow your own road,
Carry on and on only your own load.
Describing as a hint only acts and facts.
That’s what in art really promotes and attracts.
My imaginary and fantastic realm springs from life,
My poetry is a sunny ninja’s fire knife.
I fight against bitter disappointment and sweet illusions,
Against any cowardly weakness and abuse of force.
I reject any dictatorship and all fanatical intrusions
Into my inner freedom with despise and remorse.
I’m a warrior of light in the dark,
I fly to the charge as a spark
We return to daylight, rising from the dead
And shake off all fears and suggested dread.
Heaven gently and softly covers me with blue,
Prompting me in the ear a long-expected clue.
And Sun from the fleeing clouds laughs aloud,
Showing me my further ways by yellow rays.

What’s the use of prayer on our earthly layer?
Life conditions are fixed and everything is mixed.
Good deeds and evil, silly men and wise –
God visits earth and believers unrecognized in disguise.
We live on our own under His eye,
Invisibly watching our deadly strife from the sky.
Why doesn’t He help us openly and directly?
Why doesn’t He teach us to write correctly?
The book of our life and our dreams,
Leading us the middle way between opposite extremes.
Fame, power and wealth allure to the hell,
Mystic asceticism destroys our vital force and health.
The happy golden mean unites spirit with body
And it is no longer rebellious or shoddy.
Heaven is a roof, earth is a foundation
Happy life in harmony is their positive relation.
So your dreams must be earthly and realistic
And your action must be heavenly and optimistic.

True success in life starts from deep inside,
When you give up envy, anxiety and pride.
A calm lake reflects the sky and trees,
Quiet flowers attract flip butterflies and busy bees.
Peace of mind is more precious then gold,
A cold sword is more quick and bold.
Windy passions and impressions raise hazy crazy ripples
And turn clever healthy people into crutching cripples.
Consciousness is a multi level labyrinth of ventures,
Searching your way through it is an adventure,
Inspiring philosophy of luck and art of light,
Fairy-tales, fantasy, haiku and my poetical insight.
Tranquility makes all thoughts, senses and reflexes sharp
And life plays your soul like a harp.
The outside world turns like a cyclone whirl,
Your heart is serene like a violet pearl.
The more you want the less you get,
The more you forget, the less you regret.    

I pray to God for protection and success.
Does He ever help me? Try to guess.
If I find time for my silver verses,
He must find time for His violet universe.
To sustain the physical and the moral order
From its zero center to the decahedron border.
Everything appeared from nothing as a Big Bang,
Then the light was darkened by Satan’s gang.
Adam and Eve left eternity for the time,
Sold bliss and infinity for a silly dime.
Heaven was closed from earth and mortal men,
But they unite for us now in Zen.
Mantra Om was the first word of love,
Uttered to innumerous stars and worlds from above.
So it is the first name of Lord
And the simplest minimum God can now afford
For our liberation from the web of lie,
Just sing it now and fly to skies.

Lord, You are our love! And our light!
Lord, You are our life! And our might!
Like blue Heaven above, like green Earth below,
Praying to Lord God just as they know,
I pray too in my own short style
And yellow Sun shines me with a smile.
Nirvana is fusion with divine essence of life,
It is the end of endless unsuccessful strife.
Enlightenment is unity of nirvana and samsara,
Cycles of life, seemingly controlled by demon mara.
But in reality they are ruled by God
And all demonic power is just a fraud.
An illusion, based on human egoism and passions,
Passing like snow in spring or outdated fashions.
So nirvana is the real experience of reality,
Open to any searching personality with any nationality.
East and West are opposites that can meet,
Enlightenment is a human heavenly and earthly feat.

                      Rising from the ashes

Love is a key to the heavenly doors,
No matter what you love - justice, truth, beauty.
God manifests Himself everywhere by His harmonic laws  
And His real paradise was flourishing and fruity.
The tree of life grew in the center
Of the garden, where we all could enter
Freely as the children of the Holy Light.
Now we must learn and earn the right.
Love life as the essence of your soul,
The divine impulse in your moves and blood.
Life has in itself its own true goal,
Like a white lotus growing from the mud.
Every moment is as precious as a gem,
Feel it and enjoy it to the full.
Don’t stand and hesitate before the green sem,
Fearing your own shadow like a lazy fool.
Though don’t ever cling to a single thing,
Serve always not yourself but the Almighty King.

We can find our own place in space,
Though it’s so vast and time is fast.
We can get the light of divine grace,
Though in evolution we may be the last.
New ideas choose new authors and new allies,
Old outdated truths and news gradually become lies.
To win the game of life conquer yourself,
Put your desires and ambitions on the shelf.
Search for some job from the Big Boss,
Who created the universe by a coin toss.
If you put your lucky fate at stake,
You can get your share of the cake.
But if are terribly afraid of any risk,
Better buy yourself a fantasy move music disk.    
Then fly in free imagination to another world
Like a lucky hunter a fleeing fairy-tale bluebird.
This would encourage you to overcome all bars,
Get acquainted with the god of war, Mars.

Life mystery attracts my inquisitive and meditative mind,
World mysteries inspire me to search and find.
And I share my secrets in my verses
With strong brave hearts and half empty purses.
I give them chances to revenge on fate,
To understand themselves and to improve their rate.
Mysteries give keys to hidden powers and resources,
Awaken spirit, creativity in life and vital forces.
Standard solutions and resolutions often do not work,
Shirk from the murk with a fire dirk.
Fantasy may be real in some future wonderland,
Which sand rand may be at your hand.
Miracles are part of the divine universal order
And human fixed reality is just its border.
It can under sunny light melt like snow,
When, why and where you can never know.
So be always ready for a thrill breakthrough
And fantasy will one day unexpectedly come true.

A flower and a butterfly play a game,
A girl and a boy are the same.
Love may be a single tough of lips
Or a slight move of eyes and hips.
Beauty draw a hungry man to the nectar,
Sun at distance is just a cold star.
When a comet approaches the sunny fire ball,
It grows up, though at first was small.
Any flirting dance can lead to a trance
And fatally end in a deadly irrevocable romance.
So you, men, never know, where you go,
To stay free be icy cautious and slow.
But if you get into the magnetic trap
Of a lap, give your self a slap.
Is a sweet smile worth all your life?
Are you ready for the eternal blissful tie?
Is not her look like a steel knife?
Yes? Then go quietly ahead and calmly die.

Doubts undermine your power and luck, delay results.
Better meditate or pray and ignore envious insults.
Surroundings react to your energy and inner state,
You choose and make yourself your happy fate.
Ensure the quality of your work without nerves
And go ahead in spite of unexpected curves.
God can’t help you if you lazily wait,
Doing nothing or fishing success with a bait.
You must have something real, do your best,
Then you’ll have the right for a request.
If your experience is authentic, precious and true,
You’ll get divine support and will be through.
With hard times and enemies blocking your way.
So first concentrate, work and earn, then pray.
All sweet illusions or bitter disappointments and doubts
Will flee away with the wind like clouds.
You’ll see Moon, then blue sky and Sun,
Your work with success will become a fun.

Life is a long journey through a maze
And your after death perspective is a haze.
You can never know in any ventures beforehand
What will be the process and the end.
But you can learn and observe the rules
To win the game with all anxious fools.
Believe in justice and resist temptations of surrender,
Though your flower may be slender and tender.
Force comes from Sun in response to threats
To make liars and enemies pay their debts.
Your body must serve your soul, not otherwise,
And your spirit must make your soul wise.
The winning strategy of the game is love,
Misfortunes also must give you a wakening shove.
Best results come after dreams, difficulties and losses
As resurrection from the ashes with new forces.
Breathe freedom and experience with all your bosom,
Your flower of life will grow and blossom.

Speed up your achievements by faith in success.
When you make sure plans, you overcome stress
And concentrate all the forces of your soul
On the work and on the real goal.
Miraculously it comes sooner than you ever expected
And you see above the rainbow happy specter.
Astrology can work as a catalyst of events,
If an astrologer sees and promises positive trends.
But if you wait for evil and disaster,
It also comes as expected or even faster.
So your faith is your choice of fate,
Your vision of the future should be straight.
My philosophy, experience and as a result verses tune
To violet stars, yellow Sun and silver Moon,
The harmony of the universe, music of spheres,
I send to my readers blessing and cheer.
If you fix for good deeds a date,
Be faster, when you can, but never late.

I was on the peak ten years ago,
But was betrayed, isolated and forgotten by everyone.
My resurrection from the dead ashes is slow,
But I’m stronger now and have more fun.
We all have ups and downs in career,
Though success often seems so quick and near,
In reality it takes more time and force
Than you usually expect and plan at first.
If you loose your faith after a fall,
You won’t rise to your feet at all.
But if you believe in your higher self,
You’ll meet a helping fairy-tale friend elf.
Or an angel of divine light from heaven,
Sent for inspiration by the holy archangelic seven.
God will return you to the lucky wave
And you will never again be a slave.
Rising from the ashes, you become completely free
And your life grows on like a tree.


     What’s it all about? Flowers and butterflies? Yes, I like  everything beautiful, but the main content of this book is not so simple. Beauty and harmony is wider. When God created the world He saw that it was good. That’s it. What I want to say as a poet is expressed in religion. Both Eastern and Western.  World is harmonic by its origin andwe can in our vision return to this source and state of mind. If we get rid of illusions and egoism. God is omnipresent. His Spirit fill everything and makes it alive and existent. We can feel Absolute in transient everyday phenomena, hear divine music of life in ordinary everyday experience and become happy such as we are  and where we live. I personally learned  this truth from my own experience before I read any books about Zen and mysticism. It was an instant revelation from nobody and nowhere from the source of life itself as an answer to my question about the its meaning. Later I realized that it was a gift of God. So that I could believe in His reality and start my spiritual search.
    I found exact explanation of my state in Zen. It was called Satori. An instant and unexpected illumination, insight into the nature of things and one’s own personality. Explosion of inner light. Hiding in everyone and revealing itself like sun when clouds disappear nothing obscures the view. Sun was always there from the start but for us appeared as born. So is the spiritual birth in Zen. You get what you had.
   After Buddhism I studied yoga. And practiced mantras. Then through Bhakti-yoga understood Bible and began to believe in God as person and creator. Finally I came to the conviction that all religions describe different aspects of One and the same God. And that they are designed different for different times and peoples. So it’s silly to argue which is the best.
  In the end of my spiritual journey I made a circle around the Earth and returned to the initial state of mind, better described in Zen. As it was very close to esthetical vision that best form to express it was poetry. I wrote some short verses long ago. From the time of Zen studies. And I decided to continue. It turned out to be very easy and productive. In just three weeks I wrote as much as in years.
    All this collection was written in one breath and unexpectedly I found myself to be a poet. I offer this book to friendly readers and hope they will enjoy it as I enjoy my life. As that’s what it’s all about.

   These verses are based on my spiritual experience and the mathematical laws of harmony – Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ... and their harmonics 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199 ..., known as keys to all esthetic forms in nature and art. Each number in these successions is the sum of the previous two – F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2), H(n)=H(n-1)+H(n-2). F(n) is a Fibonacci number,H(n) is a harmonic.
    So in this comment I must explain their logic. Golden mean proportion is the ratio of the close Fibonacci numbers 2/3=3/5=5/8=8/13=13/21 etc. If any space, a line, a figure or a body, is divided in this ratio of parts it gives an esthetic impression, a sense of beauty. The ratio of distant F-numbers is a harmonic. For example 3/1=3, 8/2=4, 21/3=7, 55/5=11, 144/8=18, 377/13=29, 987/21=47. The number of the harmonic is the number of steps from one F-number to another – F(4)=3, F(8)-21, 21/3=7=H(4), or F(5)=5, F(10)=55, 55/5=11=H(5).
    Each my verse in “Space”, “Rainbow” and “Earth and Heaven” has 34 lines, so it is the 9th Fibonacci Number, or the 9th planet from Sun, Neptune, meaning meditation, religion, ethics. The number of such verses in the collection is 29, the 7th harmonic, Sun or Saturn, spirit and logic. In astrology planets can be counted both from Saturn to Sun and from Sun to Saturn. The sum total is 34x29-986, close to the 16th Fibonacci number – 987, meaning success in space.
    The last additional verses “The sea of nirvana” and “Rising from the ashes” are an experiment with another structure. They have 8 words in one line and 18x2=36 lines on a page. These are F(6) and H(6). A Fibonacci number and a harmonic too. The sixth planet is reason and language, Mercury, or philosophy and religion, Jupiter. The resulting 36 lines are 6². Reason in a square. Or in a resonance to itself.

Life is fading in the land of dream,
I slowly flow down the singing silver stream.
Birds singing follow me along my easy way,
The blue sea is approaching me without delay.    
Trees wave their yellow branches in a farewell,
Weeds send along with me

Книга автора
Великий Аттрактор 
 Автор: Дмитрий Игнатов