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Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)

Almighty, who could help, but didn’t, because He didn’t support human illusions about Him. Christians may be offended by such skepticism, but I did not invent it myself, I learnt it from Mahomet. Crusades against Muslim world gave no results and to argue about it now is as useless as then. Though as a Russian I didn’t become a traditional Muslim, I just realized the truth for myself and went on and ahead.
    I was alien to atheist authorities, I became alien to Orthodox fiends (for some time I even worked as a chanter in the church) and God prompted me to turn to aliens themselves. The basis for UFO research was Agni-yoga, I only had to interpret and check it up. Here began the fantastic period of my life

                    A traveler, tired of the road,
                    After the heat drinks
                    The cold light of stars.  

   I saw UFOs many times and I had many chances to check up my psychic abilities. So I decided to apply extrasensory perception to space. I was difficult, but interesting. I began to feel other civilizations and their leaders, their psychology, ethics and religions, their attitude to Earth and earthly spirituality. I discovered that monotheism and pantheism existed everywhere and that aliens knew not only God but about Satan too. There were wars in space against Satanism and they might repeat again, because Satanists threatened all. It was my vision or intuition first, but logic too. Creator of the worlds should make all rational beings alike and my own spiritual experience was a key to alien mentality. So I could really understand what goes on in space and through this mirror see what goes on in our world, because we are a part of the universe or Galaxy and our processes are parallel and tied.
    Later I described my visionary results in a fantasy story about space intelligence and fantastic verses about space, so this period was useful and inspiring too and I went on and ahead.

This is Andromeda Nebular with its two satellites.


Fly to the sky or die.
But if you are afraid to fall,
You may crawl like all.
Though in the end
You’ll regret the time you spend
To earn for the silly things you buy.
If you always bend and lie
You’ll tie yourself in a knot
And start to hate your lot.
Inner freedom is worth more
Than popularity and fame,
You can’t buy happiness in a store,
All social life is just a game.
To find your true self
Break the heavy stone shell
And inside find a gem guide.

Angels could helps us solve our riddle,
When we stop in the middle
And hesitate, whether to go further,
Bit it seems they don’t bother.
We are left alone in a labyrinth of guesses
And earn every answer by experiments and stresses.  
Why are they so reluctant to support
And where is my angelic escort?
We are left by God too,
Reports of His help are rare and few.
Maybe in this scientific age
We are isolated by a skeptic cage?
And angels, aliens, ghosts
Just watch us from their posts
Like in a zoo or in a jail
And life for us is an eternal gale?

Only God know why and when
I’ll meet an angel on Earth again.
The previous encounter was half-fantastic
And the measures were half-drastic.
Nothing is sure in this world dream,
Though no one asks God of an ice cream.  
Why doesn’t He help us quickly in response
To our constant prayer gongs.
Maybe He wants us to do our best
And fly freely from our childhood nest?
Maybe our destiny is to become angels too
And find by ourselves a heavenly clue?
To develop strong steel will
And stay always calm and still?  
There is some hidden sense in our strife,
The only judge for our deeds is life.

Whether we achieve results or not,
We see and learn in the process a lot.
Understanding comes with years,
We get the point and say: “Yes!”
To God and to this world of mess
And this is the key we had to guess.
Faith in justice and success
Is all we need - no more, no less.  
Heaven opens embrace to optimists,
Wind of luck clears our way of mists.
The mount of sky is seen ahead,
We realize now, where the road led.
Forces come back our body and mind,
The world again becomes soft and kind.
Sun shines to our soul with grace
And we finish successfully the race.
                                      Music of fate

    An astral storm held the interstellar ship on some uninhabited planet in the nearest ball star cluster, not far from home, Vega. And Chongui-Tan had nothing to do. Their flight was successful and they anticipated a good rest after the return, but the storm came as always unexpectedly and broke all the plans. Super-speed travels depend on astral, subtle energy and any distortions of astral space make them impossible. Surpassing the speed of light is a miracle and all miracles are capricious. Like men themselves. Life is a mystery and no one knows all the causes and condition of failure and success, in any field of endeavor. Astral flights are thrilling adventures and Chon, as he was called by friends, did not complain. She was just anxious to go on, because she didn’t like to wait and waste time for nothing.    
  The planet was quite ordinary like billions of similar planets in the Galaxy, green, clear and free. But no one was going to settle their or to explore natural resources. The whole universe was free too and developed civilizations had no problems with living space. And they were too rare to fill it and quarrel for territory like developing ones, restricted to one planetary system or even to one planet. So Chon was not curious about the planet and went for a walk just to spend time.
   She passed a green valley with large dreamy flowers, butterflies and bees and entered a breach in the rocks. It opened another valley and suddenly she heard a whistle, just some human whistle with a strange swinging melody, unusual by itself and double unusual in this wild place. Soon she saw the man. He was walking strait to her with a dreamy air, looking at the stones under his feet. Then he stopped, as if he felt her presence, and looked up directly into her eyes. Not surprised in the least degree, he smiled and continued to whistle his strange tune. His clothes were neither aboriginal, nor modern civilized. He was in the middle and that was for this remote planet quite impossible. He could not live there and could not fly from some other more developed world. Chon was a good specialist in contacts and understood it at the glance. Or he was a queer fish, who escaped civilization for some personal reasons and could be dressed anyway he liked. But that was too rare to be true and discarded the thought as unreal because of his smile. He didn’t look like a refugee, afraid of disclosure. He enjoyed the meeting and Chon herself. She knew very well this impression on men and their reactions to her green frustrating eyes of a model, who she could become, if she were not an astro-flier. He was really, really strange and very confident of himself, more confident than Chon.
    Than he said a word in a familiar to Chon language, that raised her surprise and curiosity to the peak. The language of Earth, a developing civilization, that had no access to stars. Vega studied it for thousands of years and Chon knew its major languages very well. He said: “Привет!” (Hi!) and Chon realized the he was a Russian. She answered in Russian too and smiled in response. He was very open and friendly and Chon understood at once that she likes him too. He was neither young, nor old and his eyes shined with wit. What could he do here and who brought him from his closed world, afraid of aliens and unready for any contact or cooperation? Was he alone or there were some bosses here and what was their secret experiment with this earthling? Chongui-Tan had to report to the captain and she set a code, meaning an unpredictable situation, the first degree alert.  
   “You are beautiful,” – said the stranger and approached her so close that he could touch her with his hand. And Chon knew that he wanted to do it, but was afraid to scare her. She was very brave even with aborigines as a professional, so she didn’t withdraw. He was just a man, charmed as all others in his place, and she was sure he wouldn’t dare to trespass the rules, known to all men and women of the universe. She was not nervous, but her heart started to beat. Finally, quite unexpectedly to herself she flushed. Shyness was not her trait of character, so she was surprised at her own reactions and to overcome it touched the man herself. On the breast, slightly stopping and pushing him back: “Relax! We are not yet familiar.”
   The man stepped back, crossed his arms and started to whistle again the strange butterfly tune, reminding of earthly jazz. Chon estimated it as a specialist, though jazz was not in her taste.
   “What are you whistling? – she asked to look more friendly, - Is it some earthly music?”
   “No, – answered the stranger. - It’s my”.
   “Aren’t you an earthling?” – smiled the girl.  
   “Yes, I am. But the music is not earthly. I whistle only in contact with space. So it is cosmic by origin and content. It reflects my state of soul, when I travel somewhere out of Earth.”  
    “Now we come to the point. How did you get here? Are alone or you have friends?”
    “Maybe you’ll become my friend. Others in space I don’t have. I’m here quite by myself”.
    “Do you have a ship?”
    “No, - he laughed, - I teleported”.
    Chon laughed too. That was a good joke and an explanation, you can’t argue. Really, he could keep secrets, but her profession was to break them like nuts. Obviously, he was well trained for space and alien contacts. So he had a good teacher, who was now absent, but could come at any moment. And she sent another alert code, the second degree, meaning the presence of competitors.
    “Maybe, you are tricking me? Just learnt Russian and play a fool. Where are your bosses? Why did they leave you alone in wild nature without weapons? Isn’t it dangerous? How do you know, what you can meet here?”
    “I feel it. So relax”
    “And what are you searching here? It’s a desert world. There is no civilization here and nothing to find.”
   “I searched for adventures and found you”.
   She smiled again and laughed. – “I’m not an adventure. In an hour I’ll fly away and you’ll never see me again.- And after a pause added: - If you don’t tell me, who brought you here and why”.
    “I see. You are afraid of everything strange and unexplainable”
    “Not of you”.
   God knows, how long their argument would last, but it was stopped by a team of rangers, walking from the rocks with weapons in hands and quiet professional smiles on faces.
    “He is alone. Not a soul anywhere. – said to Chongui-Tan the head ranger. – Relax”.
    Then he walked to the Russian and slapped him on the shoulder: “Are you real? Not a hologram? Do you know, that you can’t be here alone? And still you are. There is nothing to spy here, is it somebody’s joke?”
    “Let me think, how to explain it better. Maybe I fell into a space hole. Would such an explanation do?”
    “It was in an anomalous zone?” – joined the conversation Chongui-Tan.
    “Yes, something like that. You see, all my life is anomalous and my city is a real zone for me, so I searched for some way to escape and succeeded.”
    The rangers laughed.  Chongui smiled. The Russian looked a little bit confused, but not taken aback. He insisted on his version and they had to accept it for the time being, until some other explanation crops up. And the whole group went back to the ship.
     Chon wondered, what was his name and finally asked. He was called Oleg, what meant “Holy”, and his last name was Tumanov, “Mist”.  They called him in the Vegian manner Ole Tum, what sounded like “unexpected strike”. In the ship he asked for their music and Chon gave him as a present her own disk-recorder with one hundred popular albums on each disk. That was more than enough and Oleg sank into the music, silent like a stone sculpture.  They left him alone in the guest’s cabin, because it was clear that any further talk was useless and he wouldn’t tell anything else but his myth. Though from a scientific point of view holes in space  were possible, otherwise how would their own ships momentarily fly to other stars and galaxies? They were not skeptics in nature, but didn’t like to run into fast conclusions. So postponed the case for the future and returned to their duties on the ship.
   The astral storm was going on and they had nothing to do but relax and wait. Though Chon was impressed by the new acquaintance more than she thought at first and could not think about anything else but him. Maybe he really fell through a space hole, but why to the place where they parked the ship, directly to her? Was it then a fate? She believed in Heaven’s will or God and understood that miracles can come only from Him. The man was a real unexpected strike to her psychological stability and she wondered why. Other were curious too, but as adults controlled their emotions. Chon was seized with contradictory feelings and could not resist the temptation to talk to him again.
  She called him on the videophone, hoping he would guess how to switch it on. He simply pressed the button and saw her on the screen.
   “I like your music, though it sounds a little bit strange and too harmonic for my real life. Maybe your civilization is much more positive than Earth and for you it’s just OK. But I need something more complex and rhythmic, energetic, forceful”.  
    “You are right, we are more ethical and esthetical. It’s natural for all developed worlds. They achieve it by their long experience in solving problems and Earth is only on the start of the way”.
   “I look rude? Like aborigine?”
   “I don’t know. You didn’t yet show your character. Maybe you are OK for us as an exclusion only proving the rule”.    
   “I may be merciless. That’s the rule of survival in our world. If you are soft, you are week and you loose the game”.
   “I am a contactor by profession and I understand such people. In a developing civilization you must be strong or you die”.
    “That’s it! I feel I’m different from you and I’m not sure you like me”.
   “Xa-ha-ha! – laughed Chon, - Don’t worry. I’m curious about you and that means that I like something in you, though I can’t now understand what”.    
    “OK, - he relaxed and quietly smiled. – I like something in you too and I don’t think it’s your beauty. We also have beautiful girls and I’m not taken by surprise. Nevertheless I want to touch you more than I ever wanted with any pretty girl I knew, though I don’t know you at all. Is it some magic? Or you are really so attractive?”
  Chon turned red: “I’m really so attractive. And you confuse me by your manners. On Vega men are not so direct”.
  “Yes, I’m aboriginal. And my feelings or desires are more simple and open. Ha-ha-ha!!! That a joke. I just wanted probe into your defense. And now I see, you are not so dangerous. At the first contact you were too charming, I was afraid you’ll cast a spell on me. But if you are normal, we can make friends”.
   Chon suddenly realized that she wants to kiss him and she flushed again. Some prime instinct prompted her that he was a real challenge to her and that he will turn over all her life. She felt stiff and clumsy. She couldn’t go away and she couldn’t stay. So she for a moment closed her eyes and kept silent. God help me! What to do next?
    Oleg was silent too. He realized again that he wants to touch her. And he also didn’t know what to do next. After a minute or two they came to their senses and simultaneously smiled. Without a word looked at each other and fused in some new unexpected feeling, drawing them to each other more and more.
   “Are you a psychic? – broke the silence Oleg. – Do you feel what I feel?”
   “Perhaps, I am.  – stumbled Chon. – All astro-fliers are trained for extrasensory perception and what about you?”  
   “Let’s check it up. Close your eyes and concentrate on your wish. Maybe I’ll guess and do it”.
   She closed her eyes and relaxed. He came to her and kissed. Psychic or not, he hit the point and she answered him with a kiss and an embrace.


      Chon’s and Oleg’s love was too quick to be true, but too beautiful to be a lie. They were both unusual and their behavior was extraordinary. If it was possible to teleport or to instantly fly to another star, why was it not possible to instantly fall in love and come to mutual understanding?  Miracles may be of different kind and their inner resonance was a miracle. So why not allow them to be what they want and let them catch the moment of happiness as they deserve it by their long life of faith and fight?
      Her father, the captain of the ship, Colonel Tan did not object, because he knew his daughter and understood that it was useless. After all the new-comer intrigued him too and he felt in him some hidden potential that can serve them in some projects on Earth. To establish contacts with earthlings and develop cooperation would be quite a feet, because no one succeeded in it before. And there is a legend (or real historic data) that some earthlings and Vegains are close relatives.
As descendants of Prophet Elijah, who fled from Earth on a “fire chariot”, an interstellar ship.
On Vega he was recognized as Heavenly Prophet Eli, because he really came from Heaven, appeared from nowhere and his mission unlike with Jews was a great success. Major astro-fliers clans and former royal dynasties (which ruled before common democracy) were his heirs by faith and by blood. Religion on Vega never quarreled or competed with science and had no such crisis as on Earth. Dynasties controlled astral flights from the start and when the age of democracy came, they just changed monopolist power for monopolist space research and trade. So on Vega there were no cruel bloody revolutions or dictatorships and its culture was subtle and soft. Like Ole Tum’ dream, which came true, Chongui-Tan, the symbol of the new world and life.
    Maybe Vega was too soft or feminine for Earth and that was the main psychological barrier, aliens could remove. Maybe they were just afraid that earthlings will get access to space with their help and technology and that their cruelty will become a new problem for all. So just to be on the safe side they waited for earthlings to create a real ethical culture, based not on irrational and disappointing nationalist and Earth-centered myths, but on the philosophy and theology of one God of the universe, common to extraterrestrials too.   Intuition prompted Colonel Tan that Ole Tum had strong religious convictions and experience, compatible with his own, otherwise his daughter would never even look at him as man. Maybe it had Muslim sources, maybe common Oriental, but he was surely different from other earthlings and was a riddle to be solved. And used.
    The astral storm continued and they couldn’t fly home. Chon explain Oleg the problem as she started to explain him everything he saw or felt. He was surprised by the astral limitations of super-technology and showed by his questions deep understanding of multi-dimensional space. Finally, he realized that it was like ordinary astral flights without ships and smiled:
    “So, you leap through space like me. Reactors only give you energy for the breakthrough. I get

Книга автора
Приключения Прохора и Лены - В лучшей из Магических Вселенных! 
 Автор: Ашер Нонин