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Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)

this truth. But it was not useless, all its participants learnt something very important about space and themselves and accomplished some combat tasks, as sellers of ships planned. But now I’m just a fantasy story writer and that means that everything ended and was forgotten. I’m not officially acknowledged as a space scout and have no other way to describe the events as in art. There is some difference between me and Tumanov, because he is an imaginary hero and my mask. And masks by their task should not reveal but hide.

                          The gong of Sun sings a fire song
                          to my lonely heart all day long.
    “Hello!” – Oleg Tumanov greeted the neighbor girl and passed on.
    “Good morning” – she answered and walked behind. She was shy and slender like a morning star, but Oleg had no time to appreciate her beauty, because he went on a raid, with a knife in the pocket and a sensitive microphone in his hand. It was hidden in a coin and switched on when he pressed it by the thumb. The sound was transmitted to the center, the SSS vice-chief, and Oleg worked as a field agent, because he was accustomed to such work and really liked it. Years of lonely fight made him a lonely warrior and didn’t want to move the job to other shoulders. Beside he was the best and was sure to get the maximum out of the situation without complications and trace. So why not? The spirit of adventures moved him ahead all his life and at forty seven he wasn’t inclined to change.  
    In half an hour he was close to the target, Monya Sterkin’s house. And all his reflexes and feelings were switched on to the full. Cameras in Stavropol were rare, because they couldn’t be hidden but mics were everywhere and to approach the needed zone Oleg had to intuitively change his pace and heart beat to some registered rhythms so that computer identification would take him for another man and pass without alarm warning. He developed this ability in the previous years of life under FSS control around his house and now used it for scouting against antichrist. FSS thought Sterkin was just an imitator and did not control him as their agent properly or at all. For some years Tumanov shared their illusion and believed that true antichrist lives in America with Masons and Jewish billionaires and that Monya only imitates him as a man and a Jew with similar horoscope. Born on 1.2.1962, where as the prototype was born on 4.2.1962. But after the contact with foreigners and creation of SSS he realized that Masonic control of the USA was exaggerated and that real problems were much closer than anyone ever thought.
   So he entered Monya’s security zone, switched the mic and started transmission. The point was to feel the moment of his contact with Israel and to catch his talks unnoticed. When he relaxed and discussed his secrets and problems openly without codes. SSS couldn’t expose Sterkin and share the information with FSS or President Pulin, because they wouldn’t believe it and would interpret it as Monya’s game with Mossad. He played fool for many years and they were too self-conceited to check him up. And how could they really do it? Sterkin was very cautious and had support from Pulin, who received a revelation about him directly from Jesus Christ. Pulin was sure of his exclusive role in human history and of his right to receive instructions directly from heaven. And nothing could change his conviction that Monya will in some time become an Orthodox Christian and his trusted friend, deserving to change Tumanov on the post of SSS chief. That’s why Tumanov had to act himself. It was a personal affair and a real threat to his life, because Pulin’s revelation included this part too. He was ordered to exterminate Tumanov by killers or personally, if they fail. FSS Director Naum Parashutov  had a similar plan, because understood that Tumanov will never forget FSS’ war against him in the previous years, will never believe it and will never subordinate. Or surrender and withdraw. The source of Pulin’s revelation was Sterkin himself. He could use any astral intermediaries, controlled by Jews or Satan, and ordered them whatever he wanted. And they all obeyed.  
      Two years before, when stars came to Stavropol, everything seemed  very simple and positive. They settled in houses on the same street not far from Oleg and could often see him walking with his small daughter on the shoulders. But never let him see them, because their presence in the town was a secret and no one should have any evidence of their visit, even Oleg himself. They changed appearance with beards, mustaches, long hair, spectacles and ordinary Russian dress. No one ever recognized them and they didn’t even recognize in mirrors themselves. When local security services searched for proofs of their presence, Tumonov felt it beforehand and warned. They changed flats and returned only after the examination was over. At home somebody imitated their presence and inability to meet visitors or friends because of illness.
      American President Brush three times visited Stavropol incognito for talks with Pulin about SSS and just to see everything with his own eyes. Though he was very curious, he could see nothing but the stars.  The secret was that he loved risk and considered himself to be a ninja. So such a wild life without security and body guards thrilled him as a horror film, and the horror was quite real too because Pulin had a revelation directly from Jesus Christ to kill him and tried it each time he came. Tumanov knew it and helped Brush to escape the traps. But Brush came again and again. For adventures and adrenalin, fire in blood. Pulin considered himself to be a ninja too. Tumanov guessed it became a fashion with presidents. But Pulin visited Stavropol with body guards and had personal local security system, subordinated directly to himself. Sometimes he spent in Stavropol more time then in Moscow and spied out over the town with a mic and a gun, checking everything up and trying to catch Tumanov with a bullet or a sword. Yes, real ninja sword, at night. That must have been very thrilling too and he got much adrenalin as Brush, but Tumanov felt him with his sixth feeling at distance or saw him with his third eye and never allowed to entrap.
  And now I must open  the main secret of Tumanov. In case of extreme necessity he could become really invisible both to human eyes and cameras or just change his appearance to imitate any usual man, who could be in that place, raising no suspicions of security and guards. The focus was based on electromagnetic and other waves, which were changed by his biofield or completely blocked like in a black hole in space. Nothing came out and nothing could be seen, or heard, or felt. He was emptiness and three was nothing to kill. Pulin’s secret residence was surrounded by cameras and all sorts of detectors, the most modern equipment and technology. All he could get as a president or buy abroad. And Tumanov easily penetrated his screens to put a sensitive mic near the house, where he hided and discussed his plans with killers by phone, or intrigued against SSS with FSS to press Tumanov into compromises, concerning Pulin’s access to UFOs in order to kill Brush in America and all other enemies and rivals in any part of Russia or Earth.
  Another Tumanov’s secret was teleportation. He could strike with his knife through space at any distance directly to the heart without any outside visible trace. Or send a bullet directly to the brain. Or burn the target with an impulse of fire. Even in outer space. Say, aggressive UFO, trying to attack Earth or his alien allies. That’s why he didn’t need alien ships and weapons for self-defense and warfare and made his invisible raids. Sure, he could strike at any distance directly from home, but closer contact gave him more exact vision and feeling of enemies and adrenalin in blood too. He understood Brush and Pulin very well, because he was alike. And Pulin’s murderous attempts entertained him as a game for adult children, who in reality they all were. The only difference was that Tumanov was right and Pulin was not.
     All real ninjas of serious grade develop extreme intuition. They feel their enemies, their intensions and moves even in complete darkness and effectively react in advance. The essence of a ninja is not his sword or his black masking clothes, it is his spirit and his clan, relatives and friends, for whom he fights. Japanese princess Nan-ci, or just Nancy in American manner, considered Tumonov to be Maitreya too like aliens. And she had a religious attitude towards him and his family. She taught him ninja martial art at distance, using his psychic abilities and the basis of karate and kung-fu. A sword must become the continuation of the arm, the rest is the same. All strikes must be circular and smooth, flowing one from another like sea waves. And the mind of a ninja must flow like water, penetrating all breaches in the enemy’s defense. You must feel your enemy and just dance with him the dance of life and death, relaxed and contemplative like in real art. No fear of pain or defeat, no ripple of anger or hate.  Ninja follows the philosophy of liberation from illusions, created by egoism,  the essence of Buddhism.

                      Blow away your enemies
                      like the wind
                      yellow and red leaves.    
       Nancy never met Oleg but made friend with his wife Irina as well the other two girls. Their lonely life in Russia without relatives, friends and fans left them no other way but to become friends themselves. And Irina as hostess made their solitude and friendship more sweet and interesting.  When Oleg went on a raid, the three girls came to her home to drink tea and to listen to her stories about their life in Russia. Oleg interested them personally and they were curious to know everything. Tanalia, called in Russian manner Tanya, and Rbitney, called Rita, turned out to be ninjas too. It must have become a fashion with stars as well as politics. And Irina found compassionate listeners and friends, which were absent in the long previous years of isolation and fight with aggressive atheists from FSS. She also studied martial arts at Oleg’s school and appreciated new friends from all points of view. They were all young, beautiful and shining with life in spite of dangers and hard circumstances, created by Pulin and Sterkin for all people, tied with Oleg and SSS. They were really happy together and will remember these days for ever as the best, golden days of youth. Maybe all the three girls were in love with Oleg, who knows? But there was nothing to divide. Because he was busy and his wife was a gift of God. So they never argued or quarreled neither on personal motives, nor public. They were stars far away at home, Nancy was a star in politics. Here they were just girls.  

                             Love hides in a flower
                             and attracts with a power,
                             though it is slender and weak
                             like a kiss on the cheek.

    Oleg had a good taste for beauty, as was seen in his wife, and could not ignore the fragrance of his close and simultaneously  distant girl-friends. But his esthetic feelings might be expressed only in the film. He wanted to show their aroma and make them superstars in space, where he planed to spread the film in return for the ships. And the coming space war must become its main content as an outcome of the struggle for SSS between servants of God and Satan. SSS had a concrete mission and the rest had no importance. Whether SSS would continue to exist or not, made after the war no difference. Because after that life will change and God will give new opportunities and new gifts for life. The only thing that will be left from these years will be the film and maybe a book on the same theme. The film will be more spectacular and comprehensive, but there all secrets will be revealed and maybe the time for its wide spread will not come soon. And the book would inspire reader’s own imagination and would hide and mask the real heroes of the war with fabled names and stories of their life and fight.
    The film might be played by actors in the ordinary way of casting, they only had to learn their roles, dialogs and understand the background for more exact and vivid imagination. But Tumanov had some other means of filming the events. He could project information, images and sensations, directly from anybody’s brain to a computer in digital form. Every participant of events became a camera and the only problem left was the choice of interesting cadres. As the SSS chief Tumanov could determine major actions and reactions and so from a mere producer he turned into a film scripter author and a director. With the help of Tanya, who inspired him by her experience in a very popular Latin American serial. She received the initial material to her computer and gave Oleg a feed back. Together they selected the best scenes and the film gradually grew by ten hour parts, dealing with one separate topic. Each separate film for one separate problem was exactly one hour, because Oleg believed in the magic of exact figures. It helped him to concentrate on the structure of the whole serial and to distribute information along the main line of the plot. Ten in astrology mean Pluto, the planet of energy and secret affairs, this division by ten ensured the desired impact on spectators. Besides one hour is a natural division of time in the human biological rhythm of the day. In astrology it is the basis of the system of two-hour houses, determining concrete spheres of life. Tumanov knew astrology very well and even had some clients. So why not use it for himself? He chose best days for filming ten hour summaries of events as well as for the real actions of SSS.

    Purusha Rama, Arrow of Revenge had two mortal enemies, Devil-worshippers. Chari Kar, a black magician, and  Chen-tkhi Tkhun, a red occultist, black and red in respect both to their ideology and color of skin. Black in space like on Earth means fascism and red means communism. Arrow himself by his skin color was red too. Like an American Indian.
    The most spread race in space is white, it appeared the first and had more time to develop. Then came yellow, red and black. As changes of the initial genotype in the changing conditions of the chaotic galaxy Senar, from which colored men spread to the whole of our galaxies cluster and super-cluster. The rest of the universe generally is not humanized. Life there exists, but it is not human and rational. So there is enough living space for everybody and developed astral civilizations never quarrel for natural resources. Racial problems are not causes of wars too. Each race has complete freedom of action and spread and because all races have access to astral ships. Racial exploitation is possible only in developing isolated civilizations like Earth, where limited space and resources cause unfair competition and periodical national conflicts. The only cause of wars in space is religion or more exactly anti-religion of Devil-worshippers and Satanists. These two in space are not the same. Because Devil is considered to be the seventh archangel, or better king of Satan, imitating the seventh archangel of God. First six demonic kings obeyed and served Satan. The seventh demonic king could repeat his revolt, this time against Satan himself and his boss didn’t trust him, restricting his functions as much as he could.
    Tumanov discovered this difference during his scout mission to Satanic spaces and used it to the maximum, provoking a quarrel between Satan and Devil by his imitation of both in astral intrigues. Divide and rule. This was the motto of this operation and the key to eventual success. His pseudonym for this mission was Reareil or Re Areil, New Areil. And Satan gave him a nick “Flash”. Devil called him “Trouble-maker” and both considered him to be their agent, working against the other. As an agent of angelic security services he knew everything, he needed, and as a man he could lie. What angels can’t do. They invisibly watch demons from higher dimensions and block by logic and light. But they can’t deceive them like human security services, because like God they either keep silent, or tell the truth. But sometimes a lie to criminals is necessary and useful. Men are allowed to use it and angels had to use a man. Sure, a professional scout, trained by security services for real work. Tumanov learned the art of scouting by practice and Russian space intelligence had in it some serious share. So he formally for ordinary intelligence he was not a professional but actually for space he was.  For angels it was enough, because they could teach him the rest. Finally, as a result of his mission Satan and Devil quarreled completely and involved in their fight all Satanists and Devil-worshippers of the universe.
    Areil means a material being, i.e. really existing in the material world and achieving material results. It might be applied as a notion to Adam, the first man in spirit and in flesh, created seven billions of years ago from the physical point of view. And 18 billions of years ago in pure spiritual space. His life in Eden, primary paradise lasted for 11 billions and than he was expelled to the three-dimensional physical world and became the father of all human beings of the universe. So earthlings and aliens are relatives by real basic gens and their differences are caused only by local conditions of planetary evolution. First biblical patriarchs lived billions and millions of years ago and moved from one world to another through multi-dimensional space. Jared invented an astral ship and from that time astral wars began. His rival Irad, Cain’s descendent, stole some astral ships and fled like Cain to another space on the edge of the universe, where he founded a hidden parallel line of Cain’s descendents. This is reflected in Bible by his parallel name Gaidad, used in those hidden worlds. Gradually astral wars exterminated all known Cain’s descendents as the “Flood”. But the hidden line survived and was preparing a revenge astro-ship strike. It was discovered by Oleg Tumanov through the Satanic and Devilish spaces he passed as an astral agent of God. And he showed the threat to his alien allies.
    Ninja reflexes are close to astro-flying, both require intuition, tuning to a target through astral.  In five-dimensional space physical devices don’t work and pilots must choose the space for the leap by extrasensory perception, that’s why they are all psychics. And earthly pilots, studying astral flights must develop the same abilities, astral intuition. Or they would fly to nowhere. Or to random spaces, corresponding to their subconscious drives, though a return flight is easier, because ties with homeland are never lost. That’s why Russian military pilots for Tumanov were a political decision for some indefinite future. The real project was based on his followers and friends, who already developed intuition by meditation and prayers, which he taught for many years. And the best astro-flier turned out to be Roman Smirnov.
   Ninja-girls mastered the astro-flying art easily and quickly too. In general girls are more intuitive than men. And Chongui-Tan became for Stavropol girls a model and a real star, through the local web clubs. They wanted to be like her, as if she was a singer or a movie beauty. Like Tanya. Together with Roman they became the five real astro-instructors and formed real teams and commands, ready to fly and to fight.
  They were like five birds, happy with their ability to fly and

Книга автора
Великий Аттрактор 
 Автор: Дмитрий Игнатов