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Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)

                                   Serge Nazar        

                          Memoirs of a space scout      

                               Stavropol  2011

In the sky I don’t die but fly. My mind melts
And my body becomes weightless as light.
I might throw off the belts of gravitation
And leave solar system as a ray of Sun,
Sent to cosmic nations for their fun.
My visions and my dreams are transmitted
To aliens as fantasy films. I’m even submitted
In their Internet as a cinema star for some rewards.
They think my actions and my words
Are just a virtual computer trick. I’m too quick
For a real man with my sword and gun.

            ©Serge Nazar. “Memeoirs of a space scour”. 2011

                          Memoirs of a space scout      

    My story is very simple in its essence, but is very complex to tell, because I can’t prove it. I personally knew antichrist, he tried to kill me to make silent about it, but failed. I’m alive and I’m going to describe everything as a fantastic story. Otherwise no one will ever learn about it at all.
    Let us call him Monya Sterkin. And let my main hero be Oleg Tumanov. That’s my pseudonym for some my work in the web and it will serve the purpose well. “Tuman” in Russian means mist and associates with mystery. So I chose it as a mask in games with security services and for cinema. At first I wanted to cast a film about SSS (Space Security Service), aliens and antichrist and now I write not so much a script but more a self-sufficient story for the World Wide Web.
    Oleg Tumanov was a Russian space scout, Monya Sterkin was a Russian Jew. They never quarreled personally, but their interests and views were conflicting and Monya regarded Oleg as a competitor in psychic UFO research and interpretation of Agni-yoga, the Russian teaching about space and extraterrestrial civilizations, written down by Elena Roerich, the famous painter Nicolas Roerich’s wife. Monya wanted to become Mosheah and Maitreya, a creator of a new world religion, predicted in Talmud and Buddhism.  Some anti-Christians thought it would be one and the same man, though these religions are quite different, and called him Talmudic Messiah, the antipode of Christ, whom they hated bitterly for the break of their religious monopoly on God. Tumanov was not an anti-Semite, he recognized all religions, including Judaism, but he knew Buddhism too well to understand, that Sternik can’t be Maitreya-Buddha. And it irritated Monya as an intellectual opposition to his ambitions. Maitreya must be enlightened, but Monya never studied Buddhism at all and didn’t even know, what it is all about. He just liked the idea of becoming a religious leader for the Buddhist East. And for Muslims he wanted to become Prophet Mahdi.

    One winter morning Oleg woke up early and went for a walk to the forest around the pond. The year, the century and the millennium was over but he wasn’t happy about the New Year. He didn’t feel it a holyday, because clouds on the horizon were dark and heavy and his intuition warned him of some hidden threat. The change of millenniums is a mystic point in time, provoking aggressive ambitions of dark occultists, who wanted to establish their world reign for the next thousand years.  The dogs of Satan on Earth and in space planed to crush all their opponents with an astral onslaught, a series of magic strikes. And Oleg was chosen to be the first. He was known in some circles as a space scout, or an astral warrior and his death would be a lucky start for the whole campaign. His friends and allies would be frightened and surrender without fight. Other would be simply killed.
    There was no way to avoid it and Oleg decided to take up the initiative and he offered Dark Lodge a game. He promised not to get offended by their strikes and even not to answer in return, if they put at stake a million of dollars on a neutral intermediary deposit. If he survives, the money must be transferred to his representative, if he loses and dies, the money must go back to the astral killers. Sterkin liked the idea and ordered his followers abroad to transfer the money to Ben Cool, the US ex-president, who was in contact with the Russian Premier, Tumanov’s trustee.
    The walk around the pond calmed Oleg’s combat instincts and he was ready to receive the one million dollar magic curse of antichrist at any moment. Tough no one was in a hurry, and the astral war began only with the New Year clock strikes. At midnight the darkness is more intense, and the ghosts of hell rise up to the human world. Monya sent commands through telepathy and Internet as hints and codes. Oleg played back music disks with Russian and English songs, suitable for the moment and the situation by their meaning as his commentaries on the dark system’s actions.  “To die with music” was the motto of the game. And for the accompaniment of the crucial experiment he chose “Time machine”, the popular rock group with Russian Jews.
    Will Jewish music help Talmudists to kill him, or not all Jewish products work for Mosheah? Oleg really liked “Time machine” and was sure that true talents come from God, whether they are Jews or not. And that Russian rock even with Jews is Russian, because these Jews were assimilated and considered themselves to be a part of Russian culture. Nationalists in all nations serve devil, the source of discord, and Jews may be different as well as Russians themselves. So it was not a question of nationality but a pure religious choice between evil and good.
    The astral aggressive wave reached Tumanov on the next day as he played rhythmic energetic remixes of “Time machine” and he passed it though himself as an empty space without any resistance or harm. The witchcraft spell was really strong, but it had nothing in Oleg to hook him up and slipped. Tumanov was a sunny ninja and knew Buddhist secrets of passive defense. Meditation is also a passive state of mind, but it makes samurais invincible. Because reflexes better work in relaxation, emotions only disturb them and hamper. Music mobilizes energy and tunes to the wave of power to ride.

                       If you are right and fly with light,
                       you have no fright and act with might.

    If the reader does not object, I’ll insert short verses in the text, because as a writer I’m a novice, but as a poet I’m sure of myself for I already have some real results –  a collection of verses in English and much larger in Russian. And I write them with ease, whenever I want. Otherwise I would not risk starting a fantastic story in a foreign language. The main reason for it is better opportunities for publishing in American Internet. In Russia, though I’m a Russian, I have no chances at all, neither on-line, nor off-line. You can publish you work here only for your own big money and bookstores won’t take it or sell. American business is more developed in all fields and I have to acknowledge America as the country of real chances. And American dream – as real opportunity for success, if you have brain and heart. I have both in a good condition in spite of my fantastically difficult life and I’m inspired to write for the New World. Though the material for my fiction I take where I live.
   So Oleg Tumanov won one million dollars. Sure, he couldn’t receive it in cash. First he had to win the war. But now he had something to put at stake for the next round. He suggested this million for ten millions from the other side on the same conditions. And again got an astral strike, passed it through and won ten American dreams. For in America one million is a symbol of success. Then he repeated the game and won a hundred, then a billion. For that day the game was over and Monya with his dogs withdrew.

  Still political situation did not allow him to get it in cash. And what would he do in Russia with such a sum? If he stole it like an oligarch, authorities would fear and respect him. But the astral war game for them was unreal and no one would believe, that it was honest and earned. So everyone would try to confiscate it, or to steal, or just to rob. So he decided to invest all the money on the international level. In a film about a space scout, the subject he knew best, one thousand hours serial about UFO research and real life in general in all its manifestations. Religion, politics, business, music and cinema stars.
   He invited the best actors, usually playing solo roles, to work in a command of superstars. Arondl  Warshczenegger, Sivlester Slattone, Neage Locd nav Madde, Ckuch Ronnis, Fold Gulrend - Americans and Ckagey Nach, Ramk Cadastros – Chinese, the seven cowboys or samurais to fight antichrist. Who lived in the same town as Oleg.  Superstars liked the idea and decided to come. Though secretly without evidence and trace as real heroes of a Hollywood hit to find material and inspiration for such a long film. The main creative method, games in reality, promised unexpected and interesting results, because they could play with a devil in flesh.
    The title of the film was chosen by Tumanov – “Invisible”, because he was invisible all his life and acted from the shade. Like a ninja. Besides he invited two music girl-stars – Rbitney Psears and Tanalia Roiero from Northern and Southern America and Japanese Emperor’s daughter Nan-ci. The princess was a real ninja and her task was to train the rest to become really invisible to Russian antichrist’s allies and servants. These were ten main guests. They could bring with them anyone they liked. Russian actors were invited too. And the project promised to be a thrilling success. Tanalia Roiero was a serial star, the only one, who had the experience of such cinema marathons. And she was very popular in Russia. So she inspired the whole team for the breath-taking long run breakthrough.

                        To start shining like a star in any art
                        you must be smart like a dart.

    The girls were very beautiful models, the boys were very strong fighters, the host “Tuman”, as they called him, was a very intuitive scout. He could find agents and traps anywhere at a distance. Though Russian President Victor Pulin positioned himself like a host too to impress the foreigners with Russian traditional hospitality and get some political points, in reality security services were suspicious about practically everything and didn’t trust quests for a dime. They were afraid that the stars would take Tumanov with them abroad and he would choose free world and escape their control for better life, where he could use his won money or talents to the full. With his extrasensory perception abilities he was a dream for CIA and American President Gerry Brush, who could hire him as a personal agent for the internal political war with his rival Democratic opponent, US ex-Vice-President Andrew Grave. Besides Tumanov wrote verses like me, and could sing songs. But that was already a secret, for he never sang publicly. So he could change profession, leave space intelligence and become a cinema producer or even a star. As a ninja he could fight too, with a sword or better with a knife, because swords in Russia were difficult to hide. He also studied kung-fu and was very close to the boy-guests by his psychology, especially Chinese. He started in religion by Zen-Buddhism and liked Chinese and Japanese art, poetry and painting, more than European. Especially he liked paintings of bamboo.
    He had Oriental esthetic vision of life and was tuned to its hidden harmony. Though as a European he believed in God as a person too. What made him close to Americans, who were by culture and by nature pragmatic idealists. Russian security services, FSS and intelligence, were mostly atheists, President Pulin was an Orthodox Christian and they all despised any religious searches and experiments, considering Oleg Tumanov to be a dangerous fool. Who should be controlled and isolated from the public and yogis, whom he could organize into an independent force. Space intelligence was secret even to FSS and as a space scout Tumanov would look insane. So he never told about it or insisted, that it was not a fantasy but a reality. I do not insist too. As a fantasy writer I need not and I only hint. Tumanov as a fantasy film producer was similar to me and used the same trick – describing reality as imagination. Certainly he colored it too, but the basis was real and the film promised to hit his enemies in the eye.
    Now let’s come to the point. What was space intelligence in reality? And what could Oleg Tumanov really do? It was a secret, but in the film he had friendly contacts with alien allies and could buy extraterrestrial interstellar ships. A small UFO costs one hundred million dollars. A large ship –  one billion. Possibly, the astral killer game with Monya Sterkin was continued,  Tumanov won one hundred billions and bought one thousand ships. Exchanged for gold and diamonds. In Large Magellanic Cloud with the help of a Vegian girl, called Chongui-Tan. Who was a space scout and a ninja too. Magellanians also had ninjas, called zongs, and trusted Tumanov as their ally on Earth and in Milky Way. Who could influence the future of his civilization and show a good example of cooperation of developing civilizations with the developed. Besides Magellanians expected a new space war and wanted to use Tumanov and similar earthlings as an additional force for an unexpected preventive strike. They knew Tumanov’s convictions and combat reflexes by previous astral wars in space and were sure that he would use the ships as needed.
   The opportunity as a version was described to Russian and American presidents, their Chinese equivalent and some other leaders of states, including Japan. And they agreed to try a common project, called SSS (Space Security Service) with Tumanov as its chief. After some secret discussions ten leaders signed a secret document and Tumanov got the right to act. To select and appoint other chiefs of SSS, determine its structure and hire agents from regular security services of the ten countries or from anywhere. Say, through the web. Tumanov chose the ten foreign guests as the main staff and Russian military pilots as astro-fliers. So were called interstellar pilots, because these ships flied through the fifth dimension, astral.
    FSS didn't like Tumanov from Soviet times, when they quarreled on ideological motives, and didn't like the idea of his official status, so for real work Tumanov had to appoint a vice-chief of SSS and his successor. A neutral person, who could possibly be influenced and controlled by the powers to be. It was a game too, political and psychological. And to win again Tumanov chose his disciple Roman Smirnov. Roman was a young man under thirty and could be possibly deceived by experienced FSS experts in covert affairs. So everyone was temporarily satisfied and SSS came into existence as a secret experiment of superpowers and their allies. Russia switched in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, USA invited Great Britain, France, Germany and Australia. For headquarters was chosen the town of Tumanov, Stavropol. In the south of Russia, North Caucuses, far from its political center and more neutral from American point of view.      
    Cinema and music stars were not experienced in intrigues too and no one objected to their new roles or was afraid of them personally. Tumanov explained that aliens preferred talents and popularity as a chance to influence human culture and would never trust ordinary security officers or politicians, too egoistic and ambitious to serve their purposes in space. All astro-ships were parked in space not far from Earth at a special base in caves and Russian pilots got access to them with the help of astro-fliers from Vega. The ten guests, SSS staff, got them with the help of Chongui-Tan.  
    She taught the three girls and they taught the seven men. Roman Smirnov or Smirnoff, call him as you like, got acquainted both with Vegians and Magellanians and was the first to try astro-flights and space weapons in action. Vega was close to Earth by culture and psychology, Large Magellanic Cloud pilots were the best warriors and scouts. They knew practically everything and were not afraid to sell astro-ships, because could predict their use. It is a chaotic galaxy and life there always has many versions to choose from. Magallenians are free and unpredictable, That’s why Milky Way authorities are always on alert with them and try secretly to restrict their activities without offending their sense of dignity and independence. Zongs know it and avoid by efficient intelligence services, thrilling intuition and astro-fliers trade, which is an unbearable temptation to all periphery civilizations, unable to produce such ships themselves.
    Magellanians are original in their arts, fashions, reflexes, politics and religions. They are always changing and new, never repeat each other and hate uniformity and monotony.  Even their names are not stable. For new activities they invent pseudonyms and after success turn them into regular official names in documents. Their leader for Earth and Oleg Tumanov called himself Purusha-Rama, in Sanskrit – Joyful Spirit. For Vega he was called Warrior of Light in their language, for his homeland he was Arrow of Revenge Magellenic names for Large and Small Clouds are Senar and Naran, meaning Man and Woman. And their central star is called Senaran, a fusion of the previous two. Chongui-Tan means Beautiful Mystery or Mysterious Beauty and she is really beautiful and mysterious like a jungle flower or butterfly. What is at first look almost the same, before you discover that she can fly. Magellanians have only two stable cults – Beauty and Force and a beautiful ninja-girl to them appeals more than money and logic. That's why they sold her the ships for Tumanov or as they called him – Maitreya. Because he was a real enlightened man and there was no one on Earth to deserve the name. Maitreya was predicted in Buddhism as future Buddha and in Agni-yoga as a spiritual leader the new cosmic age. Could he be real Maitreya or it was just a game knows only God. But aliens preferred him to Monya Sterkin and supported as an alternative against Talmudists and Masons, who preferred Monya as their secret leader and hope for success.    
    Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam have analogs in space and the status of universal religions for all alien visitors of Earth. Judaism and Christianity for them are strange and irrational, or just symbolic, not to be taken seriously at their face value.  Jews as the only chosen and loved by God people is a challenge to their real status and Christ as the only incarnation of God  and the only Savior is a denial of their own religions. Judaists and Christians don't recognize even other world religions of Earth and how could they recognize alien spiritual traditions, similar to them? So aliens don't expect any understanding with the West and don't even try to contact. Whereas the East knows about their existence from ancient times and the legendary Shambala, an alien base in Himalayas or Tibet, is not quite a myth. For extraterrestrial presence on Earth in past millenniums was possible and can be proved by logic and facts. Flying chariots in Ramayana and Bible are symbolic descriptions of spaceships. And Prophet Elijah 's flight in Vega is interpreted as his evacuation to their more spiritual and friendly world.    
   Aliens are eager to help Earth but its inhabitants in mass are not ready, except such individuals as Tumanov and his followers. SSS was an experiment that only confirmed

Книга автора
Приключения Прохора и Лены - В лучшей из Магических Вселенных! 
 Автор: Ашер Нонин