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American dream (Американская мечта)

worked only one way to space, though it was better than the mixture of real art and rubbish on TV.
  The closest to extraterrestrial flights phenomena was teleportation and SSS studied it too with the help of Indian yogis, who claimed to have the ability and really demonstrated something under cameras and other devices control. It was rare but possible and all the collected material proved the version that alien flights were based on technological teleportation, similar to natural or supernatural human.
 Then alien response came. It was just music, resembling meditative Western, or traditional Indian, or cosmic rock, or electronic jazz, but with unusual melodies and rhythms, more complex and developed like classical symphonic. So the main Tumanov’s idea, cultural exchange, proved to be effective and SSS celebrated success. It was a small step towards mutual understanding and no one expected further quick results. Humanity should develop its own way and deserve their recognition and respect, but this response showed that they moved in the right direction and that in the future too the main language of communication with other civilizations will be our art.
  So Tumanov returned cinema and made a serial about SSS. One hundred hours of semi-fantastic, semi-realistic evens in all the countries, which recognized and supported the project, including the past of all participants from the Cold War to the present days. It took more than a year to organize all material in a logical sequence with both American and Russian actors, but for security and secrecy reasons its release was postponed for ten years.
  During casting Tumanov spend much time in Stavropol and got accustomed to Russia again. Problems here still existed but he was more ready to solve them both as a writer and as a ninja. Gradually the interest to SSS decreased as its results and politicians returned to their usual national interests and election campaigns. They needed wide political support and had no time or desire for international cooperation. One usual day all received a note from the Russian President that common SSS is abolished and divided into national space intelligence agencies as agreed at the start. He thanked everybody for the work, congratulated with good results and wished next success. Tumanov was appointed the chief and warned that according to traditional rules for security services he could not go abroad and should give up foreign citizenship. The moment was chosen when he was in Stavropol and the door to America was closed. He was declared to have state secrets and denied foreign trips for ten years after he leaves the post. The President apologized for the inconvenience and explained that that they had new tasks, based on national interests and promised as compensation Tumanov the rank of a general.
  The was the end of his Miami period of life and creativity and the end of the whole American dream, though it already came true and he was not a looser form both Russian and American point of view.


  Tumanov was allowed contacts with foreigners in the Internet and in Stavropol or Moscow for making films. So in some time they came. They chose as official status business or tourism. The idea of the films was based on yoga teleportation to space and adventures in new or developed civilizations. The new secret task of Russian SSS was tied with alien technology and weapons so in the film no technology was mentioned at all. Everything was like in ordinary fantasy with exclusion to extraterrestrial cultural content. Alien were described as they are from psychological point of view. And the main accent was shifted to personal relations of the main hero, teleporting space scout, with alien girls. Ninja love stories were continued as space love stories of the same man. He mastered teleportation and didn’t need plane tickets to other countries or stars.
 Kate, Lulu and Lucy successfully played alien beauties with convincing love scenes and the films returned Tumanov to Hollywood and American TV as if he never left. Pure fantasy like fairy-tales didn’t meet any objection from American politicians or Russian security services, the Russian President congratulated Tumanov with successful adaptation to home conditions and continuation of international cooperation. The American one sent only SMS – “Never surrender!”
 SSS was an inspiring theme for fantasy and he decided to mythologize it for hiding secret reality in symbols and images. Further events gave some ideas too. The President and the FSS Director had a lot of common interests but each wanted to be the real boss. So the President decided to teach him a lesson and invited Tumanov for a private confidential talk.
  - Do you know that now you have the right to become the FSS chief? Your current post is serious enough for any continuation.
  - Me? – Tumanov laughed, - What do I have in common with them?
  - Nothing. And that’s the reason. You are not experienced in politics and I’ll explain you. Any President needs obedient men in the uniform and appoints conflicting figures to major posts. Divides and rules. But if they stop competing and unite he looses his real power and become just their toy. I need for FSS an alien like you, - he laughed, - so that they couldn’t press me into the corner. It’s half serious but sounds real and I want to scare them.
  Thus Tumanov again got in trouble with the notorious organization. They didn’t want him as the boss, he didn’t want them too, but the President needed a counterbalance and provoked the FSS Director’s attempts to take control of SSS and personally Tumanov, an American in Stavropol, who threatened his post. At the next meeting the President went further.
 - Who taught you playing a ninja? It looks very real.
 - Why do you think so? Are a ninja to judge?
 - As a President I know very much about everything.
 - Do you have a ninja consultant?
 - Perhaps.
 - I had too for cinema, and you must know that ninjas don’t like any talk about them. So why do you ask?
 - I have the right to know and I’m going to check it up myself, - and he took out two sticks. – We are going to fight. Defend yourself.
 He turned out to be a good expert and by his style Tumanov understood that he was a ninja too, though not from his clan. The President as a ninja understood the same.
 - Now I know your secret and you know my. So we must work together.
 - That’s why real ninjas never play in cinema.
 - Yes, they prefer politics and business. And you made your choice long ago, when appeared on the screens.
 - But still I’m an actor and I was trained for games.
 - That’s what I need now, the potentiality of death for the fools, who challenge my authority. Now you are free and we won’t discuss it any more but I’ll hint who they are by phone.
  At home he described the incident to Yuriko and she warned him of caution. Either he’ll send to your bed his daughter for a child, or he will try to kill you after the job. Different clans can cooperate but only on such conditions. Otherwise secrets must remain secrets and the only guarantee is death.
 The President’s daughter didn’t appear and he refused to play the dangerous game. In a week the President secretly came to Stavropol by military plane and at night tried to persuade his with a gun. Tumanov   felt it in advance and avoided the duel. The President went back with nothing and Tumanov interpreted the situation in a new fantastic script about SSS.
 After the film went on US TV, all left him alone in fear that he would describe them in the next film but the status of SSS began to decrease and the President decided to change him for someone else. Now it was only a question of time and he had to shift his activity to other spaces, searching for a way out of the trap. But besides poetry and fantasy for the web, all opportunities were closed. After an unsuccessful attempt to appoint instead of Tumanov his favorite, rejected by SSS, the President abolished the organization and Tumanov got for several years into complete isolation.
  The Gubernatorial elections were canceled and all Governors were appointed by the President so his relative was changed for a neutral man. SSS dispersed and everything came to a deadlock. All his money he transferred to the girls, who helped him to earn it, because in Russia it would be only a challenge to criminals and old enemies, who might remember him again. Conditions for business in Russian according even to official data were among the worst in the world.
  The times changed again only with the next President. He knew nothing of SSS and Tumanov, because all the documents were burnt. So Oleg could start rising up from zero. His films were forgotten and he had only scripts, the love and adventure stories, verses and knowledge. He was now free but the situation was unfavorable for success in any field. What could he do? Only fly to space as in his last films.
  And he did.
  Either it was teleportation, or aliens, who liked his films, but he got access to another world, a planet, which he called “Dream”, where he met an alien girl from Vega, who took him to her home and introduced to her world. Then he visited other civilizations, less developed, and described it all in his new stories. He did not surrender and the world turned on.

  So his American dream was reproduced in space, where he finally took his family and his girl-friends. The alien beauty from Vega, one girl from Andromeda Nebula’s Ball Galaxy satellite and another from a developing world, similar to Earth, increased the number of his girl-friends to ten. And that was really final, because after assimilation in space he didn’t need any help and he just didn’t notice any longer other beauties he came across. Aliens taught him the art or profession of an intergalaxy pilot and he earned again his living by combat raids and new films, made already for alien TV and Internet. And he found gold and diamond fields in a distant galaxy, from which he brought them to Earth.

                                           Eyl Noum

  Oleg Tumanov didn’t give up American citizenship; he just disappeared from the USA, when caught in Russia. And after his breakthrough to space he could easily return. Why not? Space is interesting but he is an earthling and must have some confortable home on Earth too. The problem was with his official status in Russia. If he just appeared in America, FSS would think he went out illegally and will accuse him of all sins, including spying. So to support his alibi he from time to time appeared in Stavropol and everyone thought he lives there constantly without breaks.
 So for a return to America he had to change his name. And he decided to use his alien nick-name or pseudonym – Eyl Noum. He registered it on Vega and ordered official documents for another civilization in its language according to its standards. He was already a citizen of Vega too and these papers were quite official. The next task was to get on their basis an American passport with another face and all biological data – finger prints etc. After teleportation to space it was not as difficult as it looked for earthlings. No plastics, no rubber masks – just another combination of electromagnetic waves from his face and restructuring of the fingertips skin.
 He didn’t imitate another earthly man, because he already had one American passport and it would be a deceit. He really became another person and wanted to register it on Earth officially. So he leaped in his disk ship to the Bermuda Triangle and transmitted alien music to SSS stations for Nick. They answered with new earthly music and he switched on the screen:
 - Hello, boys! Can I land here and have a rest?
 - Certainly, sir! You are welcome! – answered Nick on the other side and showed him the coordinates of the nearest military base. Eyl Noum (let’s now call him this name for secrecy) landed and asked the hosts for a helicopter to Miami. The pilot delivered him directly to Nick. He explained him that he wants to rent a house in the city and to study the situation and chose his own home. Nick quickly consulted Emily and agreed. Then Eyl Noum handed his papers and asked for a local analog for signing documents and police. Everything was arranged in an hour; he signed the rent contract, paid with gold and moved in. Then he flew with Nick to New-York to meet US authorities and businessmen.
 The new American President loved jokes and games, so he didn’t believe a word. The reason was the date – the 1st of April, chosen by Eyl Noum for the start of his new earthly life. Other officials thought the spoof was invented by the President and so nobody came.  Eyl Noum wasn’t disappointed. He opened an account in a bank for a brick of gold and a bag of diamonds and went to the Wall Street to search for Kate’ father. Kate accidentally met them in the street and made acquaintance, inviting to her daddy.
  - Mr. Sandy, I have too much money to be ignored but all think today it’s a joke and don’t want to take it.
  - I take money on any day.
  - OK, I want to invest in your business one billion dollars. This is the first dole. – And he showed his bank papers.
  - Really? Ha-ha-ha! It looks funny, may I check up the signatures?
  - Sure.
   The dad went away and returned in a minute pink and polite.
  - I phoned to the bank and it confirmed.
  - Then the joke is finished?
  - Yes, Mr. Noum. I accept it.
  Nick was present too as an assistant and, when they signed all the papers, invited Eyl to his home back in Miami to show him his family. Mr. Sandy winked to his daughter and she offered her company, which Eyl politely accepted too.
In a day the whole company was entertaining the alien in his home and Nick was sending regular reports to the President, who was irritated by his persistence and threw them to the basket unread. At last his patience burst into pieces and he phoned him back.
 - Mr. McCaskey! Your joke goes too far!
 - It’s not a joke, sir. The UFO is at the base, go there and see it yourself.
 The President threw the phone and sent his secretary to the base to feel the ship with his own hands. When all the invited officials and money bags realized what they missed it was too late. Eyl Noum already flew away to Australia to buy an estate and hide there from the fools and newspapermen, if they would start their hunt. Nick was with him and the hope for extraterrestrial contact wasn’t lost. And he seamed to like Lucy or Kate. So American girls were doing what the American President neglected – saving the national honor and interests in space.
  Olga changed her name to Ira and came the same way as Oleg, but to Stavropol, where her father headed the local FSS. In the same way she got documents and flew to Moscow, where she refused to talk to authorities under the excuse that she is a woman and doesn’t solve any problems like men. She just wanted to find a beautiful place for rest and maybe tourism from her star. From Moscow she flew to the USA, leaving her father in the airport with a phone number for connection if he really needed her.
  She chose this name because Oleg had a fantasy story, where Irina was the space scout’s wife. Fantasy in their life came true and the name should too. When authorities got accustomed to the fact of extraterrestrial presence on Earth and stopped sending them silly questions they met in New-York with the help of other girl-friends and started a new life.
 Art for them was not closed but they couldn’t repeat themselves. Oleg changed his voice and tried singing, writing verses in a different style with more complex rimes, Olga played synthesizer, combining sweet and sore tunes, unusual alien melodies and rhythms. Step by step with the help of music for the films of their friends they rose by the ladder of success again. They released their first album - “Never surrender!” and Eyl Noum sent a copy to the ex-President.
  What else can an alien do in a developing world? He can teach something, solve problems, share scientific ideas, sell space ships or nuclear fusion reactors … - all that flashed in the minds of people, who knew, who Eyl Noum was, but he showed no interest in them and lived his own life. Why did he come here for? The questions were the same as for UFOs. The presence of a concrete reasonable being before their eyes changed nothing. So the problem was general and it should be understood. Although his songs inspired thoughts and feeling, that gradually changed their attitude towards life. He sang about heavenly world, enlightenment, eternity and infinity – spiritual truths that could change personal life and fate, if you took them seriously and tried to apply.
 When they released another disk, Eyl Noum again set it the ex-President and wrote a letter that he knew Oleg Tumanov. He inquired who he is and learnt that he was from space. Then he answered the letter and invited him home. Eyl Noum came and told him that he visited Stavropol and spread Tumanov’s films in space, which was really true, because in other civilizations his films found more understanding and lasting interest.
Then Eyl Noum described in the Internet the principle of a fusion reactor and flied away from Earth in his star ship.


  Ira returned to Stavropol, presented General Mihailov with her albums and asked him about Tumanov, the author of fantasy films, she saw on TV. He told her his phone number and address and FSS remembered him again as bait to an alien fan. Ira visited him and they made friends. Then she recorded to his computer documentary films about extraterrestrial civilizations, that they together made when travelled in space, and also left Earth in her ship. Tumanov sold the films in the Internet as science fiction and earned enough money for tickets to America. His American passport was hidden in his house and he could now return back to the country, where he was needed and had friends. Ten years didn’t pass but there were no real secrets about Russian SSS to hide because it didn’t exist long enough to achieve any special results. So no one cared for him and he returned to the USA.
                    Loneliness is a window to eternity
                    For a fisher in a small boat,
                    Dancing on the ocean waves.
  He had no earthly material for new films because during his isolation in Stavropol nothing occurred in his life, only his inner state changed. His adventures in space were already described in the films he made there for alien spectators. For Earth these films were too alien and the actors were all unknown, alien too. That’s why he could release these films on Earth and had to search for something else. He collected all his poetry in Russian and decided to continue his experiments in English. To his own surprise he quickly and easily doubled his Russian collection and wrote a whole collection in English. This was new and realized that he can be not only a film-maker but a real poet too. It was less popular than cinema but more serious and spiritual by its content. Maybe he won’t be published and recognized for years but it will surely stay for ages. So why not write it just for his own delight as he wrote it for many years before?
It would be a lonely life of a hermit but full of happiness and inner harmony. That’s not bad after all. He was now much older and more inclined to contemplation. Life didn’t require such active struggle as earlier and he could tune to the music of spheres above and beauty around. He won all his fights and now could look deeper into himself.

     01:22 09.03.2011
Dear author,

Please give some more time for reading. Did not finish yet first 23 pages of your novel.
And you are posting another 15 pages!

Книга автора
Великий Аттрактор 
 Автор: Дмитрий Игнатов