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American dream (Американская мечта)

described too. The film was represented as a fantasy thriller and no one either from CIA or FBI rebutted the version or asked him, who gave him the idea and material. Americans didn’t like corrupted politicians too and sooner or later they would finish with “Jolly Roger” themselves. Tumanov was a little bit ahead of time but America moved in the same direction, as well as Russia, and he was not any longer alien or alone there at all.
 As a foreign citizen he could even visit his homeland, the province town where he was born and lived the most complex part of his life, to see his class mates and other friends.
 Back in LA he met again Helen with her group of black musicians. They introduced him to other normal black. In his Moscow student youth he regularly listened to and recorded he Voice of America jazz hour. When he mentioned it to Helen she took him to black jazzmen and they quickly found the common language. It was a black club but blacks could bring with them white friends, if they were not racists. He was not because Russians never were and his first unfavorable impression in the night street, when he met Helen, was forgotten, but not Helen herself. They spent a night of love in her house as years ago and parted, sure that they would soon meet again.
 Lulu came back to Los-Angeles too and got a staring role in a new Mike’s film. Lucy was transferred at her request to distance learning and spend all free time in Hollywood, making acquaintance with actors, directors, script writers, produces. And after her granddad’s visit and his investment in new films got all the roles she wanted. She was more reserved and cold than Lulu but as a good karate fighter attracted attention of spectators and went up on the ladder of success. Oleg invited all his girls to have a rest at Miami and Yuriko came with two sons. There she noticed Emily, his housemaid, and suspiciously asked him:
 - Do you like her? She looks too happy for an ordinary maid.
 - Find it out yourself.
 - I will.
 And that night she changed Emily in the bed, when she went out for a minute to bring him some juice. This time he noticed the trick and pretended he did not. The times change but ninjas are the same.

                                     American dream
                                (A Russian in Miami)

                                      The seventh girl

  Oleg Tumanov was not tired of his life or job, and Miami for him was not a resort but just a place where he found his love. He did not like and need entertainment and beautiful life outside his house did not interest him at all. He noticed neither Hollywood stars, nor financial magnates, living in the city of joy. He liked the sea and bought a yacht to loose himself in the vastness of blue infinity.
 Why did he love Emily? She was terrible and fascinated him with her deep strong emotions, he lacked himself. Strangely, thanks to her he realized that he loved other girls too, though before he just obeyed their desires and never took any initiative himself. He was to busy with surviving and had no time or mood for love. But now he achieved his American dream and relaxed, gave way to feelings, compressed in his soul for many hard years. He thought Emily would be jealous and didn’t tell her about his American love adventure. She also considered herself hard-hearted and would never share her luck with other woman, but Yuriko’s story about Oleg hidden life open her eyes to his soul and she understood that he belonged to his first American girls too.
 They all discussed the situation and agreed to put his interests ahead of their own and to leave him free unless he decides to marry one of them himself. Yuriko, the most mystic-minded of them, supposed that number six is not the best and for that reason final, there must be another girl, waiting for Oleg and her destiny in some unknown part of the world.
At first they laughed at the idea but Oleg loved numbers and mathematics and might come to the same conclusion too. So they were on alert and attentively looked at any beauty, crossing Oleg’s way. And one day she really came.
 It occurred in the Bermuda Triangle. His yacht came across a boat with a girl. Her ship must have drowned and she must have been mentally deranged, because she didn’t talk and looked very frightened. So he thought when he took her out of the water, but at home he learned that there were no such reports. The girl was strange, though mystically beautiful, in some unfamiliar way. Her eyes were larger than usual, her nose and lips thinner, and she kept silence in spite of all their attempts to talk. She was scared and only sat on the sofa, drinking juice and eating fruits. They decided to leave her alone and ask her about everything later, when she comes to her senses. And when she came Oleg decided to do without police. She took a pen and a sheet of paper and drew him with swift easy movements of hand. Similarity was surprising and he smiled.
 - OK. That’s better. Can you draw something else?
 And she started making various drawing of what ever she saw in the house and outside it. They were unusual and beautiful like the girl herself and soon he gathered a whole collection. He made photos and sent them to an art expert to learn his opinion though he was sure she had undoubtedly a talent and must soon recover her mental health and explain who she was. The expert confirmed his vision and offered to release an album and sell it in his art shop. He asked the girl, could he sell her drawings and she nodded. Asked her name and she pointed to the sky.
 - Sky?
 She nodded again. As a pseudonym it sounded good and the problem for the time being was solved.
  Gradually she got accustomed to their house and after girls went away on their usual affairs (except Emily) she started helping her with home work. Soon she remembered her name. It was Russian – Olga, or Scandinavian by origin and was a female version of Oleg’s own name and also meant “holy” or “blessed” and “successful”. Oleg tried to speak to her in Russian but with the same result. Then she called herself Helga, which was the Scandinavian original of the name and her nationality for Oleg again became vague.” Maybe she just heard my name and associated it with herself?”
  Besides drawing she liked music and once in the city she saw an electric guitar in the shop window and by signs asked Oleg to buy it. To his surprise she could play it very well. Then she began singing without words, just voice alone. It sounded strange and beautiful and Oleg started to record her compositions and soon they had an album, which he released and offered for sale in the Internet.
 So she was a riddle to be solved and she occupied more his attention than all other themes. One day she did another strange thing – she came to him and sat on his knees. He didn’t move, afraid to frighten her and she kissed him in the lips. Crazy she was or not, he liked it and kissed her in return. Then she undressed and became his seventh girl.
 Her first words were “I love you!” after the sex. He asked her who she was and she said she was a refugee from a ship of another country. She needed an official status or they would send her back. To avoid it she wouldn’t tell about her origin and he should better not ask.  Her plan was to find a single man, who could marry her at least fictitiously and she would pay him after she makes a career in art.
 - Are you married, by the way?
 - I’m not, though I have a girl-friend.
 - Emily?
 - Yes.
 - She is beautiful and kind, I don’t want to break your relations but I need citizenship. Could you marry me and live with her? Is she jealous?
 - She is not, but your behavior doesn’t look fictitious.
 - I said “at least”. But if I find a good man, why not try seriously.
 - Well, you were a virgin and you chose me so quickly. You know about me practically nothing, why are you so decisive?
 - I have no choice. And you saved me and were very attentive and kind. You didn’t send me to police and you appreciated my drawings and compositions, even started selling them. Who can be better for me? Why should I look for anyone else?
 - Marriage is a serious act. I didn’t think about it for many years.
 - I can sign a contract that I have no rights for your property. I need only status and protection. You can divorce me at any time.
 - Well, I might consider your request, if you tell everything about you. I can’t marry a riddle.
 - OK, do you promise not to tell anybody, even your girl?
 - I won’t.
 - I’m a Russian. And I have problems with FSS. They wanted me to become a spy and I escaped.
 - Oh. That’s interesting. I’m a Russian too and I had the same problems. If that is so serious, maybe, I’ll help you.
 - Why maybe? You must help me.
 - For a man to marry is a difficult decision.
 - It’ll be fictitious.
 - It is not fictitious even now and won’t be later. You’ve become my lover and said you love me. So you won’t agree to divorce as you say. You’ll try to save our relations and I’m not in love with you to risk such a fate. I don’t like arguments with women; it’s nerves. And I feel that you won’t let me go if I want.
 - I promise.
 - OK, talk to Emily, she must agree to it too. Try to persuade her and I’ll see what she’ll say.
        Olga approached Emily with her request and complains about life to raise her pity.
 - I’m not surprised. Girls hunt him here for his success and character, you are not original, but you are strange and I don’t quite understand you.
 - I can get success here too, I can sing in English.
 - OK, do it. In America people don’t believe words, they want results.
 Oleg wrote a verse in English about a lonely girl seeking for love, Olga recorded a song and Emily liked it.
 - OK. It’s your first exam, but not the last. I have several girl-friends and their opinion for me is more significant than Oleg’s. You can deceive a man by your big beautiful eyes but not other women.
  All the six gathered for a council and after some preliminary discussion decided to follow intuition and study Olga’s reactions. They put her in the center of the circle and started interrogation.
 - What’s your nationality? You don’t look American, - asked Kate.
 - Why, do I have an accent? Nobody told me about it.
 - I tell. Your accent is too perfect to be real. Americans are more casual and you are so accurate. I see that you try hard but sound unnatural. If I met you in the street I would think it but we found you in very strange circumstances. No ship drowned that day, where are you from? – added the CIA-man’s daughter.
 - You are keen, I’m a refugee from another country, but don’t ask me what exactly. They can send me back, if they know it.
 - If you don’t trust us, why should we trust you? – wondered Lulu.
 - I’m in a stiff situation and you are OK.
 - I think she is Russian and her name is real. I was the first thing she told, - smiled Emily.
 - You don’t trust Russians?
 - On the contrary. Oleg is a Russian too and if you are his compatriot it would be great for him. He was very lonely among Americans and a Russian friend would raise his spirits, - confessed Helen.
 - OK, I’m a Russian.
 - That’s better and it returns us to the second question. You speak English too good for a Russian, where did you study it?
 - My father lived for many years in America and he taught me from childhood. I’m too accurate because of my zodiac sign, I’m a Virgo, other Americans say I speak without any accent; I talked to them in Moscow.
    They laughed.
  - It’s not your accent but our intuition. We felt you were hiding something. Did you live in America too?
  - No, I was born when my father came back to marry my mother. She didn’t want to leave Russia and he stayed.
  - Well, that sounds true. But I don’t like daddy’s girls, - smiled threateningly Yuriko. – They can’t stand up for themselves. Can you fight?
 - My father taught me a little.
 - If you beat me, Oleg is your. OK?
 - You are Japanese. That’s not honest.
 - Then beat me, - stood up Lucy. – I’m not a professional fighter. Oleg taught me himself just for self-defense.
 -  I see I have no choice.
 - No, we are girls and we fight for a man, - she laughed. – It’s a joke. But I’m serious about a duel.
  Lucy attacked and Olga had to evade. She stepped back and back, blocking her strikes and making a circle in the room, and Lucy didn’t manage to hit her.
 - That’s good. Now it’s my turn, - rose Kate.
 This time Olga answered and it looked very convincing. She could fight and the girls smiled interested. For several minutes they exchanged blows and kicks and all decided that they were equal.
 - You father is very good, - smiled Yuriko. – You must love him deadly. Why did he let you go?
- I must find my own way in life and my own man, like him.
- And Oleg resembles him very much?
- Yes. I’m not going to give him up.
- So that marriage won’t be fictitious as you said in the beginning? You betrayed yourself.
- I see that you don’t believe me and it’s no use denying. If we are rivals, I’ll fight to the end.  
- Have you already slept together?
- That’s none of your business.
- Were you a virgin?
- Perhaps.
 - I like her, - said Helen quietly. – We must explain her the rules.
 - What rules?
 - Oleg is not inclined to marriage and is free to love anyone he wants. If you sleep with him, it gives you no rights to control him. I sometimes sleep with him too. I can share him with you but I won’t give him up, as you said for yourself.
 - Oh, I didn’t know. I thought it was only Emily and I did not object. I need only status, citizenship.
 - Don’t lie to us and to yourself. You need him personally. I see it in your eyes. I’m a woman and I see you through.
 Olga sat in the armchair and closed her face with hands.
- OK, you’ve done me. I see it was a mistake. He doesn’t need a wife. But I need real documents, can you help? I promise not to sleep with him, I only need some shelter. My father was very good, but I don’t want to return to him. I’m tied of my past life and I want to stay here.
- OK. That’s better, but you already know too much. We can’t let you go.
- But you told me yourself. I didn’t ask your secrets.
- We told you because we liked you and saw you could accept the rules. If you do, you can sleep with him on.
- Repeat, please, the rules. I can misunderstand something and you can get offended.
- I think a Russian wife for Oleg is natural and logical, - summed up Yuriko, - But in Japan we allow several wives and I want to be one of them.
- Oh, that’s what you mean, - widely opened her eyes Olga, surprised but relaxing. – I see, you are all his wives.
 And she started to laugh as never laughed before. They relaxed and laughed too.
- I never imagined such a situation. If I accept the rules, I become one of you?
- As a Russian you may become the only official wife, in the documents you need, but in reality you will be the seventh.
- Well, that’s funny and I have no choice.
- We don’t have any too.
- OK, I accept you conditions and can you convince Oleg to accept me officially?
- If you have made love with him, he will.
- He is reluctant. Men don’t hurry to get married.
- That’s your business; we never force him to anything. Make him sure you deserve it and he won’t let you go.
- How can I deserve it?
- I tried to kill him, - laughed Emily, - and he got curious. But then I paid for it by a joined venture in a combat raid.
- That’s interesting, - relaxed Olga. – He wasn’t offended?
- No. He likes results and I was very good.
- I see, - Olga sank into herself, - I’ll remember it …

 Oleg had his own exam. His condition was an album of her songs in English and she agreed. They did it together in a week. So there was no reason to refuse any longer. He registered her in the immigration service as a refugee, witnesses all she described, and within a month they registered marriage at the City Hall.
  After the party when they were left alone, she didn’t go to bed and sat in the armchair.
 - Before we make love I must confess something, though it is against the rules.
 - What rules?
 - My father’s.
 - And who is your father?  I never asked because you were tied and nervous.
 - You can guess it by my last name.
 - Mahailova? Is he famous?
 - No. On the contrary, but you can guess.
Oleg rubbed his head.
 - I knew only one Mihailov.
 - And he wasn’t your friend or business partner …
 - You mean …
 - Yes. I’m not going to deceive you, because I really love you.
 - FSS Colonel. That’s really unexpected.
 - Now, thanks to you, a general and a high rank chief. I’m not a spy officially, I didn’t sign anything, but my father thinks I am.
  - So you know everything about me from the beginning.
  - Sure. I saw all your films and fell in love with you. He guessed and offered me this trip. They want you to return to Russia after you are through with your American dream.
 - Through?
 - When people get their dreams they are either disappointed or start searching for something else.
 - I’m not disappointed and what shall I do in Russia?
 - I saw your files about “Jolly Roger”. My father liked it too. No one could do it but you. Your training in the commando center determined your style.
 - I am not a commando, it was just self-defense.
 - But it was effective and Emily was wonderful too. So I respected her from the start.
 - I have no such problems now and I don’t look for them myself.
 - That’s why I told you everything. I don’t want to involve you in trouble. I am just happy to be with you. I won’t drag you to Russia. I want to stay here and become a star. My mother is an actress and I choose her gens. My father will never interfere in my life here, because he loves me and I’m free to live as I want.
- You can spoil his career.
- No, they know everything and would just wait for some results. I was delivered here in a submarine. Our marriage is a great success from their point of view and out child would be the next.
- Well, I know their habits. They can wait around a trap for years.
- Do you forgive me? Can we now go to bed?
  She so loving and so sexy that Tumanov forgave Mihailov his attempt and his life went on as usual. He made no films for several months and now he returned to creativity by his verses for her songs. Life became intense and interesting again and he was happy in his dreamland with a young, beautiful and clever wife. He received all he was deprived in Russia and the funniest side of it was that FSS also paid its debt. They spoiled his life in Russia and he deprived them of their spy, perfect as he himself in his sphere, if she really decided to work.
 - Do you think we can make a film about your adventures in Miami? – asked Oleg his wife one day. – Will it damage your reputation for FSS?
 - I don’t mind. Are all your films based on your life?
 - Thompson’s - no, mine – yes.
 - OK. Do what you want.

                                     A rising star

  Tumanov’s new film “A Russian in Miami” became a real hit and even went on TV. A Russian girl-spy, loving an American ninja, was close American hearts and they were noticed by critics, journalists and their Miami neighbors. Olga quickly mastered her social duties and they were invited to the best houses of the city, making acquaintances and friends with the elite of business and art.
 Soon Olga bore a son, Alexander, and sent his photo to her mother.
 - My father gave up the career

     01:22 09.03.2011
Dear author,

Please give some more time for reading. Did not finish yet first 23 pages of your novel.
And you are posting another 15 pages!

Книга автора
Великий Аттрактор 
 Автор: Дмитрий Игнатов