Стихотворение «Волна моей любви/ the Wave of my love »
Тип: Стихотворение
Раздел: Музыкальная поэзия
Тематика: Авторская песня
Читатели: 31 +3

Волна моей любви/ the Wave of my love

The soul is born free, free
 She has to carry the light, light.
 To increase your wealth, your wealth. 
In alliance with the same

The wave of my love. 
What rules my life. 
There is only a goal. 
And that's fine, it's fine.

I'm a lot like her.
 With one sensual movement, 
I can open up, keep the love inside. When it happens. 
The soul is like a rose, smell and beauty 
And nothing else is needed.

The wave of my love. 
What rules my life. 
There is only a goal. 
And that's fine, it's fine.

The wave of my love. 
What rules my life. 
There is only a goal. 
And that's fine, it's fine.
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Книга автора
История обретения любви. Трилогия 
 Автор: Ашер Нонин