Произведение «Формула стабильного государства» (страница 6 из 6)
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Формула стабильного государства

the help of mathematical tools and the formulas stated in the Strength of Materials, we can make strength calculations for the government (society), naturally with introduction of some simplifications and specifications. For example, the calculation can be done relative to some reference “people beam”, one end of which is “restrained” by the base of Constitution, and the other end is hung up by the fiscal-penal institutions and is subject to bending and torsion by the forces of moments of forces of the wild market economy. Calculations per the simplified model of society can be done at the first stages by the known formulas of the Strength of Materials, i.e. for the allowed stresses. Here, not the calculations themselves are important for us, but the conclusions and recommendations that can be received, not to torture the people by wild meaningless projects. It is not only inadmissible, but even maleficent, to build a State by the random method, not knowing elementary laws of the development of society. It is like building a house on the sand, when the first wave of human passions will destroy it. The situation is very different when a State, like a common house, is built on a stable foundation of knowledge, taking into consideration the interests of all nationalities and peoples, consolidated by the commonness of aims and intentions of society. And if there is no commonness of such kind, no matter what repressive measures the government would take, no matter how hard it would tighten the “nuts” and press the “spring” of the people’s discontent, sooner or later it will work and struck the leaders adequately.
Isn’t it better to build a State on the basis of laws of social development, with normal rotation of authority, capable of guiding a state in the direction of progress in economics and social sphere, not holding the folk in a muzzle and general poverty? We can construct rockets and launch space vehicles, reaching the surfaces of other planets. But why cannot we design and build a State and its governing institutions, using the principles of building complex systems with back coupling, capable of adjusting its historical “flight” in time and within the common human space. The schemes of building a rational, progressive State shall be based not on the principles of primitive governing, but on the principles of a self-regulated system with back coupling, excluding failures in the work of the state machine.
As a conclusion to the above stated, it can said that the basic laws of Mother Nature are universal and they act not only in the material, but also in the spiritual sphere. With the help of well-known mathematical tools, we can calculate not only mechanical oscillation of one pendulum, hung up on a thread, but of a man in society, calculate not only the trajectory of a flying vehicle, for example, to Saturn, but also determine where the society moves in its historical development: to progress or to regress, or to a complete collapse of the State. Specifically, for a state like ours, life period under the present apportionments of forces and moments, does not exceed 20 years. Unless its course is corrected and the basic superstructure of society is changed.

1.Универсальность – основа жизни ……..…………………. 7
2. Основные законы мироздания ……….…………………...22
3. Формула построения стабильного государства .………...23
4. О важности ротации власти ………………………………27
5.Схема построения стабильного  государства……..………29
6. THE FORMULA OF THE STATE.  ……………………… 34
7.  Building of a State by the methods of the Strength of
    Materials.  …………….………………………….……..…. 42


                             Юмор Богов
                            (А. Польшаков)

- Что значит: - У меня есть для тебя небольшая работёнка? - спросил  Геракл…
- Это значить, что тебе надо снова почистить эти загаженные конюшни, - сказал Зевс.
- Да сколь же раз я должен их чистить! – возмутился Геракл.
- Надо, Федя, надо! – сказал Бог. – Загадили люди Землю! Сильно загадили!!

    Автор реферата Аркадий Польшаков. Формат 64х84/16.
      Бумага офсетная. Физ.печ.л. 3.


                 ГОЛОСУЙТЕ ВСЕГДА
                          ЗА РАЗУМНОСТЬ,
                     ЗОЛОТУЮ СЕРЕДИНУ!



Книга автора
Великий Аттрактор 
 Автор: Дмитрий Игнатов