Стихотворение «All We Want»
Тип: Стихотворение
Раздел: Лирика
Тематика: Без раздела
Оценка: 5
Баллы: 16
Читатели: 155 +1

All We Want

I look out of my window and I see

Our planet that`s of wars, disasters free,

Merry children who play, draw, learn and sing,

The huge fields that grain to everybody bring.

I look out of my window and I see

The green leaves which are growing on a tree.

And the birds that started making their nests,

Searching eagerly for seeds, worms and insects.

And the peaceful nations want a better world

Where the main thing is the joyful life, not gold.

Where the human rights won`t be violated

And the happy being is anticipated.

All we want…


01:52 09.06.2023(1)
11:49 09.06.2023(1)
Фрида Шутман
21:36 09.06.2023
Всё нормально.
21:49 16.05.2023(1)
Юлия Моран
Still, dreams are just dreams.
23:54 16.05.2023(1)
Фрида Шутман
I agree with you. It’s known that the limited mind only destroys.
23:58 16.05.2023(1)
Юлия Моран
Of course you can dream. But it's better to do things. They will bring much more benefits and bring you closer to the result faster. )
22:28 19.05.2023(1)
Фрида Шутман
I do.
01:07 20.05.2023
Юлия Моран
This is good.
10:21 10.05.2023(1)
Татьяна Легкодимова
All we need is peace ... 
10:47 10.05.2023
Фрида Шутман
You are absolutely right…
22:50 18.03.2023(1)
All for demonstration 
23:19 18.03.2023
Фрида Шутман
It`s our life...