Произведение «А theatre goer's notes»
Тип: Произведение
Раздел: Эссе и статьи
Тематика: Публицистика
Темы: музыкаMusic
Оценка: 5
Баллы: 6
Читатели: 386 +1
In admiration

А theatre goer's notes

I want to share by one of the brightest impressions of my life, the impression of the Plácido Domingo's concert, which took place in Moscow, the 17th of October 2019. This concert became the greatest event in the music life of Moscow and the whole world.
"Rococo" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, which was mentioned in the programme as Nocturne, may be, because of its transcription for alt, was magnificent! The whole power of the real conductor over an orchestra ànd Maestro's outstanding mastery was being heard not from the first phrase, but from the first notes! Many artists could only dream to work with Maestro that moment. But the soloist was Yuri Bashmet. The orchestra, conducted by Maestro Domingo, had shined so brightly, with a new colours, which were unable under the other conducting. It was just a miracle! And not only a miracle of transformation the soul of the greatest singer into the soul of the conducter. Not only! He was the soul of the orchestra. Suddenly, I'd felt as if my favourite composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, had come, smiling, from above the Heaven to the Earth, gifting me tears of happiness, gifting me music, which penetrated into the secret corners of my soul! And these tears were alike those, which Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote about in his letters, it were "sweet tears", which were his music soul fulfilled by, while composing this (letter 542 by P.I.Tchaikovsky).
Besides, "Rococo" is my mother,'s (a great theatre-goer and real lover of classical music)  favourite work by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. I had had an impression, that the whole concert was prepared especially for us, my mother and me. Rossini, Verdi, Mozart, Tchaikovsky... What a happiness to listen to such music, for which it worth to forget everything, that doesn't cost any attention in our so vulnerable to any attacks, so solitary and so great world of Music, the Real Music!
And, finally, I want to say, that whatever persecutions fall to Maestro Plácido Domingo's lot, as they usually fall to any Genius, we are to put all our efforts, the main aim of which must become Maestro's happiness, because a lot of tragedies , which he has been presented on stages of the all world for more than a halph of a sentury, are full enough for his thinnest and greatest soul. I want to wish Maestro Plácido Domingo and to all of us, , the next by his own words: "to take only gladness into the real life!".
Domingo don't belongs to any theatre or any country in the world. This Man of Genius belongs to the Klassical Music only, which will never betray him!
Viva Plácido Domingo!
Sincerely yours,
13:25 15.02.2020(1)
Доминго- звезда.. Спасибо,Клава, душевное письмо.
00:26 17.02.2020
Благодарю, Татьяна!!! Я счастлива, что моя тридцатилетняя мечта сбылась и я услышала гениального певца и уникального дирижёра!!!
03:15 15.02.2020(1)
Клавдия Брюхатская (Залкина)
Даже в возрасте под восемьдесят этот человек покоряет мир вновь и вновь!
00:25 17.02.2020
Да и вчера в "Симоне Бокканегра" Доминго блистал, как всегда! Браво!!!