Yosef Latman
All rights reserved by author
(Free translation by the author)
Say me: may could this be so
So that... thunderstorms are laughed,
And the grass in fields was turned pink
in the icy dew,
What them stars in nights will drink
Аs wine new
for the magiс lunch
with the moon,
If appears in the sky not too soon?
Say me: may could this be so
So that... roses, running down
from greenhouse or from garden,
are unexpectedle growing blue
in the unwrapped girlish braid
for the night,
as а nature rite
on the twisting way
of life
Under dome, where Fortune stays?
Say me: may could this be so
So that... graying matted hair,
ripenes was in January,
As a native gold on the grass,
What in night the autumn throws,
As in dream for all of us,
but a pity, temporary,
Or without losing our breath,
We could pass the cross again
By the flickering wet trail,
What, as silver in the nights,
is nearly stealth,
the moon shints?
But in reality often can be so:
Fortunately, we do not know,
What may be in life sometimes
And in the summer or in winter overtake us,
like wild herds of hidden thoughts in the skyes,
plunging us into deep shock,
as a fire amock...
Or thunderstroke.
And, it seems,
we see dreams
Without closing our eyes.
[b]July 2019[/b]
Разве так бывает, чтоб смеялись грозы,
Травы розовели в ледяной росе,
Убежав из сада, голубели розы
В расплетённой к ночи девичьей косе?
Разве так бывает, чтоб седые космы
Золотом осенним зрели в январе,
Иль, - не сбив дыханья, вновь сдавали кросс мы
По тропе в черненом влажном серебре?
К счастью, мы не знаем, что порой бывает,
Летом иль зимою настигая нас…
Потаённых мыслей одолели стаи, -
Сны как будто вижу, не смыкая глаз.
Февраль 2000г. - Июль 2011г.