Стихотворение «My Dream»
Тип: Стихотворение
Раздел: Без раздела
Тематика: Без раздела
Оценка: 5
Баллы: 8
Читатели: 290 +1

My Dream

                                          To E. R.

When I was a child I had a wonderful dream,

That dream was for me like a bright sun beam.

I used to watch many soccer matches

And I imagined myself to have great catches.

My dream was for me as bright as a sun,

I thought that it was the way to have fun.

But it was also hard to break a thick wall

Cause my family didn`t support me at all...

Days passed, weeks and years ran away

But I didn`t give up and tried in my way.

My friends were with me at my long path to win,

They helped me a lot and I am finally in!

Now I play soccer games every day

And there`s nothing for me that doesn`t let me to stay -

To be in a perfect and steady sport shape

And now I watch all my moves by the tape!


Оценка произведения:
     06:14 10.09.2022 (1)
Жизнь - лотерейная игра! Бесплатный билет сам, старательно отыграй!
     11:03 10.09.2022
Большое спасибо!
     15:07 02.06.2022 (1)
Сбылась мечта ребёнка:
он футболистом стал!
     16:08 02.06.2022 (1)
Вы правы, таки да!
     16:11 02.06.2022
Книга автора
Жё тэм, мон шер... 
 Автор: Виктор Владимирович Королев